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The Unmanageable Boss -- September 15, 2010

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Wednesday, September 15, 2010 Email Send to a Friend   Mobile Mobile   Free Newsletters Free Newsletters

The Unmanageable Boss
Dr. David Hawkins
You are expected to be a good employee, to show up for work on time every morning, to follow orders, to be mannerly and show deference to authority. But what do you do when you have a boss who won't show the same respect to you?
Read the full article here

Spiritual Life

Magical Vs. Miraculous Thinking
John Mark Reynolds
It is not the magic of Hogwarts that we love, but the wonder. If what I want is like magic only real and unknowable, like philosophy only personal, and like loving a person only eternal, then it sounds a good bit like loving the Christian God.
Read the full article here

The Government on His Shoulders; The Kingdom of Jesus Christ
John MacArthur
Looking at a litany of failed monarchs, and sitting in the rubble of Israel's monarchy, Isaiah looked across the centuries to a time when God would rule on earth through His Son...
Read the full article here

Reaping What You Sow: Christian Karma?
Whitney Hopler
The problem with the concept of karma is that grace is absent from the equation. Here's how you can practice what we might call The Karma of Jesus.
Read the full article here


Autism and Alleluias: An Interview with Kathleen Bolduc
Christine Field
I came to parenting with visions of all the wonderful things I was going to teach my children. The greatest surprise is all I have learned as a mother. As a mother of a son with autism, Kathleen Bolduc shares this sentiment.
Read the full article here

Teaching Kids How to be Forces for Good
Rebecca Hagelin
Mindful of the stark contrast between the media-hungry Koran-burners and the quiet, persevering heroes of 9-11, what should we teach our children about the power of example? Three things come to mind.
Read the full article here


What a Man Brings to Marriage
Cliff Young
We often focus on what we will get out of a marriage relationship. Perhaps it's time to start focusing on what we men can bring, so that we will have something to offer at the table (a man's dowry, if you will) before making a life-long commitment.
Read the full article here

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