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TH Daily - September 15 - Thomas Sowell,Michelle Malkin,John Stossel,Jillian Bandes,Jonah Goldberg and More

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The Money of Fools: Part II
Thomas Sowell:

Words are supposed to convey thoughts, but they can also obliterate thoughts and shut down thinking. As Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes said, a catchword can "delay further analysis for fifty years." ... more

The Obamacare Inquisitions: A Brief, Brutish History
Michelle Malkin:

Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius is just the latest creepy keeper of the Obamacare enemies list. ... more

Money Is Not What Schools Need
John Stossel:

Andrew Coulson, director of the Cato Institute's Center for Educational Freedom, writes that out of 14,000 school districts in the United States, just seven have cut their budgets seven years in a row. ... more

New California Focus: Marijuana
Jillian Bandes:

This year, attention has been shifted from political races in California to the legalization of marijuana for recreational use in the Golden State. ... more

You Can't Rule on Personality Alone
Jonah Goldberg:

Though it is hard to fathom today, given that Jimmy Carter is one of the dullest personalities in American public life (and ranks high on the all-time dull list for carbon-based life forms generally), there was a time when he was seen as a deeply charismatic figure. ... more

Liberal Crackup
Walter E. Williams:

The nation's elite and the news media see being against the Obama-led agenda as being racist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic, mean-spirited and insensitive. ... more

The McConnell Tax-Rate Freeze
Larry Kudlow:

Sen. Mitch McConnell's excellent floor speech Monday unleashed a political thunderbolt: The Obama plan for higher tax rates on the wealthy -- including successful earners, investors, and profitable small businesses -- is dead. ... more

Obama, Presidential Greatness and the War Temptation
Michael Medved:

Will Barack Obama feel the temptation to enhance his claim to presidential greatness by transforming himself into an aggressive war leader? ... more

The Bonfire of the Qurans
Pat Buchanan:

Is there anyone who has not weighed in on the Saturday night, Sept. 11, bonfire of the Qurans at the Rev. Terry Jones' Dove World Outreach Center in Gainesville, Fla.? ... more

Here Comes the Mud
Brent Bozell:

How long ago it seems now that Barack Obama was inaugurated, and the Great Uniter championed "hope over fear, unity of purpose over conflict and discord ... more

The Global Crackpotocracy
Michael Gerson:

It is a horrifying wonder of the Internet age that a failed, half-crazed Florida pastor with a Facebook account can cause checkpoints to be thrown up on major roads in New Delhi. ... more

Turkey's Constitutional Referendum: The Beginning of the End?
Austin Bay:

The struggle for Turkey's political soul continues -- and Turkey's self-proclaimed moderate Islamists are winning. ... more

GE: Imaginative Rent-Seeking at Work
Matt Kibbe:

There's a big difference between free enterprise and crony capitalism. One fosters competition to serve consumer demands but the other feeds off taxpayers and exploits privileged access to Washington's political class for private gain and protection from competitors. ... more

The Truth Behind Abortion Pills
Virginia Foxx:

The abortion industry is in celebratory mode these days. They are rapidly achieving a long hoped-for goal of making chemical abortions more acceptable and easily accessible. ... more

Raising Taxes is Not the Solution to the Budget Problem
Hadley Heath:

President Obama's debt commission met this summer and painted a bleak picture of the national budget. ... more

Considering Taking Social Security Early? Think About What This Might Mean for Your Spouse
Carrie Schwab Pomerantz:

Whether to take benefits at 62 or at full retirement age or even later is something everyone should consider. ... more

The Stupidest Spending Program of All
Terry Jeffrey:

There has been such a cascade of stupid federal spending programs over the years it might seem nearly impossible to say which was stupidest of all. ... more

Build the Ground Zero Mosque on Michael Moore
Ben Shapiro:

On the ninth anniversary of the greatest mass murder on American soil in the history of our country, Michael Moore issued a clarion call to the United States. ... more

There's No Need To Get Personal
David Harsanyi:

A few years ago, I asked a political operative what he did for a living -- as the answer is often less obvious than you imagine. ... more

America's New Terrorist Networks
Tony Blankley:

While public attention was diverted by whether or not Florida pastor Terry Jones and Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf had reached a compromise, a report critical to our national security went virtually unnoticed. ... more

Torture Tort Terror
Jacob Sullum:

During his presidential campaign, Barack Obama criticized the Bush administration for its excessive secrecy. ... more

Even Dems Want to Extend Tax Cuts, Mr. President
Donald Lambro:

President Obama is escalating his class-warfare attacks on the Republicans for opposing his plan to let the Bush-era upper-income tax cuts expire at the end of this year. ... more

Our Man in Moscow
Paul Greenberg:

It's got to be the funniest or the saddest spy story of this post-Cold War period, or maybe both. The two, humor and pathos, blend inextricably in Russia. Like good and evil mixing. ... more

The New $100 Billion Stimulus
Shawn Ambrosino:

You don't need to be a military intelligence officer to realize that Saudi Arabia's firepower could get a healthy boost – compliments of the good ole U.S. of A. ... more

2010 Race of the Day: CA-20 - The Valley Hope Forgot
Brian Walsh:

Since being elected to represent California's 20th Congressional District in 2004, Jim Costa has proven to be little more than a placeholder for his liberal party leader from San Francisco. ... more

Preserve, Protect and Defend
Ed Feulner:

Even America's bitterest enemies understand why we mark July 4th with parades, speeches and fireworks: to celebrate the signing of the Declaration of Independence. We're proud of our nation, and justifiably so. ... more

The Endless Wars of Islam
Armstrong Williams:

Islam emerged from what is modern day Saudi Arabia in the 7th century, and never looked back. ... more

Latest Political News

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Michael Moore on Ground Zero Mosque

Primary Day in Several States

A Case for Border Security on 9/11

Fact Checking the Democrats

Conservative Movement

Headline News

Yesterday's Top 10 Columns
  1. Sowell: The Money of Fools
  2. Limbaugh: Obama's Tiresome Tolerance Lectures
  3. Norris: Even Hillary Agrees!
  4. Thomas: Purging Evil
  5. Prager: The Times, the Mosque and Islam -- No Moral Nuance
  6. Hawkins: Ten Questions You're Not Supposed to Ask About Islam
  7. Bandes: The "Young Guns" Bring Out the Big Guns
  8. Buchanan: Who Is the Enemy?
  9. Saunders: The Harsh Bigotry of Their Expectations
  10. Goode: More Hate Crime Hypocrisy
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