It's a Bird, It's a Plane...It's a Corporate Jet with John Lennon on it! Get It! Derek Hunter The Dutch Ditch Multiculturalism Doug Giles Medicare is Lousy Health Insurance John C. Goodman Time's Orwellian Story on U.S. Constitution Refuted Ken Blackwell Standing Where Independence Began Salena Zito Email, Hate Mail and Comments from Readers John Ransom I pledge allegiance to my refrigerator warrant... Paul Jacob Defacing the White House, America Mark Baisley Mid East Misogyny and the Plight of Muslim Women Ken Connor Govt Shutdown in Minn., Life on Earth Survives Mike Shedlock One Nation Under NBC? Andrew Tallman California,The "Failed State" Austin Hill America and the Golden Age of Capitalism Jack Bouroudjian Manning the Barricades for Virtue and America Floyd and Mary Beth Brown | | |