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TH Daily - April 17 - Doug Giles, John Ransom, Debra J. Saunders, Austin Hill, Salena Zito and More

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Don't Be This Stock Scam???s Latest Victim
As the old saying goes, "A fool and his money are soon parted." And China represents the perfect opportunity to do just that. Scam artists are pushing "Phantom Stocks" - hyped-up Chinese companies with literally no means of ever turning a profit - onto the market. Unsuspecting traders are now highly at risk. This free report identifies exactly which companies are ticking time bombs.
The Trump Rebellion
Doug Giles:

I was at my favorite cigar bar in Miami this past week when one of my good conservative Cuban aficionados asked me if I could really vote for Trump ... more

This Week's Tweets I Like
John Ransom:

You might remember Maxine Waters from the YouTube video where she calls herself a socialist and then thinks better of it. She was complaining of high gas prices back then, but she's kind of quiet about it now. ... more

Department of Obstruction of Justice
Debra J. Saunders:

President Obama well may have begun another undeclared war -- this time on states that try to enforce their own death penalty laws -- on the dubious grounds that the Food and Drug Administration has not approved drugs intended to kill convicted killers. ... more

Obama Held Hostage To His Assumptions
Austin Hill:

President Barack Obama appears to be clinging not to his lyre, as Nero allegedly did, but to his rigid, narrow, very limited worldview, despite the fact this behavior seems to work against his own self-interests. ... more

Main Street Understands Compromise
Salena Zito:

WASHINGTON – The sweeping office of the Speaker of the House once housed the Library of Congress – more than 6,000 leather-bound tomes owned and beloved by Thomas Jefferson. ... more

A Conservative Defense of ObamaCare
Steve Chapman:

Opponents of President Barack Obama's health care program lost the legislative battle, but they have high hopes of stopping it yet. ... more

Obama's Domestic Imperialism
Mark Baisley:

When President Obama delivered his "Framework for Deficit Reduction" speech on Wednesday, I kept thinking that America was being treated to the slickest example of bait-and-switch since the Music Man came to River City. ... more

Don't Be This Stock Scam's Latest Victim

As the old saying goes, "A fool and his money are soon parted." And China represents the perfect opportunity to do just that. Scam artists are pushing "Phantom Stocks" - hyped-up Chinese companies with literally no means of ever turning a profit - onto the market. Unsuspecting traders are now highly at risk. This free report identifies exactly which companies are ticking time bombs.

Snoozers Lose Touch With Reality
Paul Jacob:

The president provides a wake-up call . . . for supporters of our unsustainable welfare state. ... more

Today's Cartoons

Latest Political News

Government Shutdown: Crisis Averted (for the Present)

Gov. Walker Testifies on Capitol Hill

Phony Spending Cuts

Rep. Joe Crowley (D-NY) 'Speechless' on the House Floor

Conservative Movement

Headline News

Yesterday's Top 10 Columns
  1. O'Reilly: School Lunch Madness
  2. Sanders: Dictating is Easy; Leading is Hard
  3. Lopez: Since When is Mercy Validating Abortion?
  4. Goodman: How Safe is Your Hospital?
  5. Fodeman: The New Health Law
  6. Driessen: The US Should Follow Europe's Lead
  7. Malkin: America, the Dependent
  8. Kengor: On Margaret Sanger, the Soviets, and Democrats
  9. LaRue: The Gang That Won't Shoot Straight
  10. Giles: The Trump Rebellion
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