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When Character is Neglected -- February 14, 2011

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Monday, February 14, 2011 Email Send to a Friend   Mobile Mobile   Free Newsletters Free Newsletters

When Character is Neglected
Rebecca Hagelin
So much of the conversation about Tiger Mom -- in parenting blogs and columns -- focused on her style of parenting: strict and demanding. I couldn't help but think how they were missing the point.
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Valentine's Weekend

Finding Jesus on Valentine's Day
Sharon Brani
As we approach another Valentine's Day, I am thinking about ways to impress my daughters with a greater awareness of God's loving presence...
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Love As A Verb
Jill Savage
Immature love is a noun. A thing we long for. A feeling. An expectation of what someone will do for us. Mature love is verb.
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Three Valentine's Devotions for Lovers
Cecil B. Murphey
Young or old, single, dating, married, divorced or widowed, we're all beloved lovers - of God and each other.
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Spiritual Life

Arrested... by God's Grace
Eva Marie Everson
A 2009 traffic violation turned into a nightmare for one Florida man and his family, but prayer and perseverance brought about a positive resolution, and a revelation that faith is more about relationship than religion.
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Known by Our Fruit
Greg Laurie
We will find out what we are made of by what comes out of our mouths in both good and bad circumstances.
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Can I Have Peace No Matter What?
Paul Dean
Peace in this world is illusive. How many American presidents have tried to bring peace to the Middle East only to fail? How many wars have been fought to end all wars?
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Today's Devotional

Valentine's Day Massacre (from "Moments with You Couples Devotional")
You have not remembered... (Ezek. 16:43).
This is not a day for practical purposes. This is Valentine's Day. And Sam forgot it...
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God Loves You!
Chocolate Valentine
1 Corinthians 13:13
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Angry at God -- February 14, 2011

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Monday, February 14, 2011 Email Send to a Friend   Mobile Mobile   Free Newsletters Free Newsletters
Spiritual Life

Angry at God

Dr. James Emery White
A new set of studies in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology find that those who are atheists and agnostics are also those who are most angry at God.
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Facing Our (De)Faults
Dr. David B. Hawkins
I'm told by my tech-savvy friends that computers have "defaults" built into them that if left alone, will make my computer function with little input from me.
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Valentine's Day: Let Christ's Love Fuel Your Marriage
April Motl
A relationship centered in God's love acknowledges that the Lord, not your spouse, is your personal source of satisfaction…
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God Can Resurrect Your Marriage from the Ashes
Sharon Jaynes
Don and Jona had a dream courtship, a blissful first couple of years, and two beautiful children. But when obstacles came, Jona wasn't prepared and her actions destroyed their marriage. Today, Jona offers hope to couples who are hurting as she shares how the Holy Spirit restored their marriage when all appeared lost.
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Connect With Your Spouse's Heart This Valentine's Day
Dr. David Hawkins
Valentine's Day only comes once a year, but it can serve as a reminder that we need to continually deepen our connection with our spouses. Though you might believe you have a close, intimate marriage, there may be areas that need strengthening...
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"What the Bible Really Says about Sex" ...Really?
Albert Mohler
The real problem here is not that the Bible is misunderstood and in need of revision. To the contrary, the real problem is that the ethic revealed in the Bible is both rejected and reviled.
Read the full article here

Faith and The Church

How to Build Bridges between Church and Home
Whitney Hopler
The solution to the "falling away" problem is building bridges of faith between Church + Home, empowering the people in your church to live in loving relationships with Christ all the time. Here's how.
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God Loves You!
Chocolate Valentine
1 Corinthians 13:13
What Love Is
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TH Daily - February 14 - Michael Barone, Doug Giles, Terry Paulson, Star Parker, Bruce Bialosky and More

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The Risk That 2/11/11 Will End up Like Iran's 2/11/79
Michael Barone:

It looks like 2/11/11 will go down in history with 11/9/89, not 6/4/89. 6/4/89 is when the Chinese military obeyed orders to massacre protesters in Tiananmen Square; 11/9/89 is when East German leaders announced the opening of the Berlin Wall and declined to order border guards to shoot the Berliners who began dismantling the barrier that had stood for 28 years. ... more

Merry Old England Morphs into Scary New England via Multiculturalism
Doug Giles:

It appears as if this multicultural smack we're being sold in the U.S. didn't work out too well in the U.K. ... more

Choice, Not Compromise
Terry Paulson:

Rep. Paul Ryan's response to President Obama's State of the Union provides a clue to the political battle that is coming. ... more

'Gay Conservative' Is an Oxymoron
Star Parker:

CPAC, the Conservative Political Action Conference, has been an annual gig for me for years. But this year I concluded it was not my place. ... more

The Feds and California in Mortal Combat
Bruce Bialosky:

Former Republican Ray LaHood, now Obama's Secretary of Transportation, recently announced that he wants to outlaw cell phones and navigation systems in cars. ... more

Our new Jeffersonian Era
Salena Zito:

Today we are in the midst of a cultural U-turn away from a Hamiltonian meritocratic-elitist, centralized-power society to a more Jeffersonian Main Street focus, with state and local governments as the primary powerbrokers. ... more

Let's hear it for the Pauls
Paul Jacob:

As the American superstate lurches off into total irresponsibility and impending ruin, a spark of sanity remains among the population, and in two heroes inside the imperial center itself. ... more

CPAC's Experiment Gone Wild
Kevin McCullough:

The results of the CPAC straw poll demonstrate the bizarre nature and overall oddity of this year's gathering of "conservatives." ... more

Latest Political News

Today's Cartoons



Ron Paul: Where are the Jobs?

Pence: Deny Federal Funding to Planned Parenthood

Democrats Against ObamaCare Mandate

Donald Rumsfeld Dishes on Hannity

Conservative Movement

Headline News

Yesterday's Top 10 Columns
  1. Saunders: Berkeley Does Guantanamo
  2. Chapman: For Chicago Mayor, a Race Against Race
  3. Giles: Merry Old England Morphs into Scary New England via Multiculturalism
  4. Connor: Have a Little Faith
  5. O'Reilly: True Believers
  6. Dick Morris: $100 Billion in Cuts
  7. Lopez: Living in Misery With Abortion
  8. Hill: "Share Your Profits" And "Sue Your Boss" Are Not Job Growth Strategies
  9. Parker: 'Gay Conservative' Is an Oxymoron
  10. McCullough: CPAC's Experiment Gone Wild
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