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Friday, September 10, 2010 Email Email   Facebook Facebook TwitterTwitter   Print Print

Week of September 10

What if Things Only Get Worse?
by Max Lucado

Christ tells us that they will. He predicts spiritual bailouts, ecological turmoil, and worldwide persecution. Yet in the midst of it all, he contends bravery is still an option. (Matt. 24:4-14)

Things are going to get bad, really bad, before they get better. And when conditions worsen, "See to it that you are not alarmed" (Matt. 24:6 NIV). Jesus chose a stout term for alarmed that he used on no other occasion. It means "to wail, to cry aloud," as if Jesus counseled the disciples, "Don't freak out when bad stuff happens."

"See to it..." Bosses and teachers are known to use that phrase. "See to it that you fill out the reports." Or "Your essay is due tomorrow. See to it that you finish your work." The words call for additional attention, special focus, extra resolve. Isn't this what Christ is asking of us? In this dangerous day, on this Faberge'-fragile globe, with financial collapse on the news and terrorists on the loose, we have every reason to retreat into bunkers of dread and woe.

But Christ says to us, "See to it that you are not alarmed." (NIV)
"Keep your head and don't panic" (MSG).
"See that you are not troubled" (NKJV).

And remember: "All these [challenging times] are the beginning of birth pains" (Matt. 24:8 NIV), and birth pangs aren't all bad. (Easy for me to say.) Birth pains signal the onset of the final push. The pediatrician assures the mom-to-be, "It's going to hurt for a time, but it's going to get better." Jesus assures us of the same. Global conflicts indicate our date on the maternity calendar. We are in the final hours, just a few pushes from delivery, a few brief ticks of eternity's clock from the great crowning of creation. A whole new world is coming!

From Fearless: Imagine Your Life Without Fear
Copyright (Thomas Nelson, 2009) Max Lucado

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Today's Opinion and News: Friday September 10, 2010
  • photo Michelle Malkin: The Eternal Flame of Muslim Outrage
    Shhhhhhh, we're told. Don't protest the Ground Zero mosque. Don't burn a Koran.
  • photo Guy Benson: Whitman Aggressively Courting California's Youth Vote
    Young voter trends have fascinated me ever since the Obama-McCain bloodbath of 2008.
  • photo Brent Bozell: Charlie Daniels, Unsung Singing Hero
    It was some 30 years ago when I first caught a Charlie Daniels concert. He was the backup to the Marshall Tucker Band at the old Capital Centre outside Washington, D.C., and that night, he stole the show.
  • photo David Limbaugh: Barack Obama's 5 Cacophonous Notes
    I never expected President Barack Obama to be promoting my new book, "Crimes Against Liberty," but that's virtually what's happened with his recent speeches on the economy.
  • photo Jonah Goldberg: The Next Hoover
    "Worst president since Hoover." Democrats have said this at one point or another about every Republican president since, well, Herbert Hoover.
  • photo Oliver North: Never Forget
    WASHINGTON -- According to the "experts," anyone older than 10 will remember traumatic events for the rest of their lives.
  • photo Donald Lambro: Another Half-Baked Scheme From Tax Obama
    WASHINGTON -- President Obama's latest cooked-up economic plan calls for spending more than $50 billion on public works projects, raising taxes on small businesses, and a dubious package of tax credits that even his advisers say will not create new jobs anytime soon.
  • photo Suzanne Fields: After the Fast, Food for Thought
    Summer fades into autumn, and with it the seasonal focus on ancient faith.
  • photo Mona Charen: The Rev. Jones and Both Sidesism
    For once, I'm with Hillary Clinton.
  • photo Linda Chavez: Same Old Same Old
    The president was in full campaign mode this week as he delivered a stump speech on the economy in Cleveland. But the magic is gone.
  • photo Matt Towery: Obama and the United States of China
    Amazing. President Barack Obama's Democratic Party keeps plummeting in the generic polls that measure Americans' party preferences.
  • photo Pat Buchanan: The Bonfire of the Qurans
    Is there anyone who has not weighed in on the Saturday night, Sept. 11, bonfire of the Qurans at the Rev. Terry Jones' Dove World Outreach Center in Gainesville, Fla.?
  • photo Diana West: The Constitution Trumps Islamic Law
    When reading stories about that formerly obscure Florida preacher who wants to mark the ninth anniversary of 9/11 by burning a stack of Qurans, bear in mind that the only law he breaks in doing so is Islamic law.
  • photo Tim Fields: Is Being Wealthy Worthless?
    This is the message that the Obama administration is pushing with regards to the Bush Tax Cuts, which are set to expire at the end of this year.
  • photo Cliff May: Nine Years Since 9/11
    Nine years ago this week, I began a series of discussions about terrorism with Jack Kemp, Jeane Kirkpatrick and a small group of concerned philanthropists.
  • photo J.D. Thorpe: Why Reagan and Clinton Survived the Midterms and Obama Won't
    As the November 2nd election draws closer, it appears evident that the GOP will score a major victory.
  • photo Brian Walsh: 2010 Race of the Day: Phil Hare's Incumbency Troubles
    Illinois might be the home state of Barack Obama, but those who call its 17th Congressional District home have lost confidence in our President's agenda—and the lawmakers who vote in support of it.
  • photo Janice Shaw Crouse: College Bound: The Changing Role of Parents
    This week, the New York Times advised parents of incoming college freshmen to drop their kids off, "back off," "walk away," and "move on" so that their "students can develop independence."
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