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Seven Steps toward Breaking Destructive Patterns -- January 17, 2011

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Monday, January 17, 2011 Email Send to a Friend   Mobile Mobile   Free Newsletters Free Newsletters
Spiritual Life

Seven Steps toward Breaking Destructive Patterns

Whitney Hopler
No matter how deeply you've been drawn into destructive patterns, God is ready to give you the Power to Reinvent Yourself.
Read the full article here

It's Time to Start Confessing Good Things about Yourself!
Rick Renner
What kind of things do you say about yourself? I used to be so hyper-critical of myself that one day the Holy Spirit spoke to me about it...
Read the full article here

Do You Expect Me to Forgive You?
Paul Dean
Have you noticed how the world treats the issue of forgiveness? On television for example, it's almost a virtue to withhold forgiveness particularly if the offense is especially hurtful.
Read the full article here


Married to an Unbeliever - And Wanting Out
Dr. David B. Hawkins
Dear Dr. David: My husband and I have been married for 9 years. I am a Christian, but he's not...
Read the full article here

Putting Self on the Shelf: When Marriage Isn't All About Me
Cindi McMenamin
I was convinced God brought the two of us together. But certainly God knew that my husband would not be one to express himself verbally in the way I was expecting. Certainly God knew that I would many times need more, emotionally, than my husband appeared able to give. So why did God let it happen?
Read the full article here

Religion Today

Unshaken: Worshipping in the Ruins of Haiti's Earthquake
Dan Darling
Bloggers, tweeters, texters, emailers, and all of you who are accustomed to moving quickly, thinking quickly, and acting quickly while also tweeting and messaging multiple times in a day: Dan Darling's message is for you. Read an excerpt from iF@ith.
Read the full article here


Getting Control of Anger in Your Child
Mark Gregston
Whether angry at the world, angry at America, or just a psychopath, 22-year-old Jared Lee Loughner struck out with homicidal anger this past weekend in Tucson. It has become an all too common scene; younger individuals expressing anger by snuffing out the lives of others in public places.
Read the full article here

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Okinawa Association introduces new president Kimiko Goya

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Okinawa Association introduces new president Kimiko Goya

Okinawa Assoc New President Kimiko Goya

Ms. Kimiko Goya, center, is the 2011-2012 president of the Okinawa Association of America. Left side is Mr. Sadao Tome, former president. Right side is Mr. Chogi Higa, 2009-2010 president. (Cultural News Photo)

The Okinawa Association of America introduced the 2011-2012 president Ms. Kimiko Goya at its new year's party at Quiet Cannon event facility in Montebello on January 16.


Immediate past president Mr. Chogi Higa has been elected as the 2011 president of the Southern California Federation of Prefecture Associations (Nanka Kenjinka Kyogikai). 


The Okinawa Association of America is known as Hokubei Okinawa Kenjinkai in Japanese language. The membership of the OAA are 800 families with over 2000 people.


Ms. Goya is a retired teacher and the first women president in the OAA's 100 years history. Ms. Goya was born and raised in Ginowan in Okinawa. After graduated from Futenma High School, she went to Hawaii to learn English, and graduate from a community college in Honolulu. Ms. Goya had worked as Japanese language teacher at Gardena Buddhist Church Japanese Language School for 25 years until 2010.


Officers and committee chairs of the Okinawa Association of America for 2011 are following:


President: Kimiko Goya 

Vice President, Seisonenbu (youth group): Masanobu Ajifu

Vice President, Chief Financial Officer: Vicky Oshiro Nishiuchi

Secretary: Helene Shimane

Corresponding Secretary: Joan Oshiro

Treasurer: Ethel Asato

Advisor, Uchinaguchi: Chogi Higa

Advisor, Culture, History: Sadao Tome

Hospitality: Tomiko Akamine

Co-Membership: Naomi Endow

Co-Karaoke: Setsuko Fujimoto

Building: Edward Kamiya

Library: Junko Kawate

Geino-bu (Performing Art): Richiko Nakashima

Co-Karate: Shoji Numata

Scholarship: Tatia Oshidari

Fujinbu (women group): Mieko Shima

Auditor: Katsuko Teruya

Auditor: Hiroshi Yamauchi

Kajimaya Seniors Club: Shigeko Yamauchi

Co-Membership: Yuko Yamauchi


Board of Directors of the Okinawa Association of America for 2011 are following:


Masanobu Ajifu, Tomiko Akamine, Ethel Asato, Dan Ashimine, Setsuko Fujimoto, Kimiko Goya, Chogi Higa, Edward Kamiya, Vicky Oshiro Nishiuchi, Joan Oshiro, Mieko Shima, Helene Shimane, Sadao Tome, Hiroshi Yamauchi, Shigeko Yamauchi


The Okinawa Association of America is located at 16500 South Western Ave, Suite 203, Gardena, CA 90247. Phone: (310) 532-1929  Fax: (310) 808-9280  E-mail: mensore@earthlink.net  Website: www.oaamensore.org

Okinawa Assoication New Year's Party

The Okinawa Association of America presents New Year's party (Cultural News Photo)

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Power Point with Jack Graham

Power Point with Jack Graham
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Trusting your deliverer in the midst of suffering

January 17, 2011

Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the LORD delivers him out of them all.

Psalm 34:19

It's been well said that God had only one Son without sin, but he had no sons without suffering. And I would be less than faithful to the Word of God and the testimony of Christ if I somehow told, or even suggested, that you could experience life without suffering or sorrow. The Scripture promises you and me that affliction is part of living the Christian life.

In your journey on this earth, there are going to be times when you feel that you are all alone. But as a believer in Christ, you need to immediately identify those feelings as lies from the enemy.

Now if God's character and nature were to leave you alone in your trials and allow you to walk through these valleys by yourself, then I would understand being hopeless in the midst of suffering. But the God you and I serve has promised time and time again to never leave us alone in tough times!

Yes, bad things happen to good people. But God has promised that he will deliver you from every affliction. So when the inevitable hard times of life hit, trust completely that the God who raised Jesus Christ from the dead will resurrect you and bring you through any suffering!


For more from PowerPoint Ministries and Dr. Jack Graham, please visit www.jackgraham.org
Listen to Dr. Jack Graham's daily broadcast on OnePlace.com.

Watch Jack Graham and Powerpoint Ministries Video Online.


Straight Up

Dear Friend,

I sincerely hope you will request my 10-message series called Straight Up, where I tackle 10 tough questions we all face. Like "When Does Life Begin?" and "Can Love Last a Lifetime?", "Can You Trust the Bible?", and "Are All Religions the Same?"

After listening, you'll be more equipped to live a confident life, knowing the truth and trusting the promises of Christ! 

Thank you for giving to help PowerPoint continue to share the transforming power of Jesus!!  --Jack Graham 


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