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TH Daily - April 16 - Bill O'Reilly, John C. Goodman, John Ransom, Jon Sanders, Kathryn Lopez and More

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Cyber Terrorists Plan $105 Billion Theft
Pentagon officials have uncovered a plot by sophisticated hackers to "steal millions of dollars from banks all over the world." Estimates put the total expected loss to be as high as $105 billion. And security experts say two out of every three internet users will be targets. If you care about your retirement and the well-being of your family, I strongly encourage you to watch this free video presentation, which explains everything you need to know to protect yourself...
School Lunch Madness
Bill O'Reilly:

Back in the Stone Age, I brought my noon meal to school in a Davy Crockett lunchbox. It was made of cheap metal, and had I eaten it, the taste would have been similar to the sandwich inside, usually bologna or tuna on soggy bread. ... more

How Safe is Your Hospital?
John C. Goodman:

Hospitals are dangerous places to be. At least if you are a patient. ... more

Email, Hate Mail and Comments from Readers
John Ransom:

Obama's speech was inept and lame, but was it really more inept and lamer than his attempt to cut our dependence on foreign oil by giving a speech? Was it more inept than the speech he gave where he claimed we were not at war in Libya and which was billed as an explanation for the "war in Libya?" ... more

Dictating is Easy; Leading is Hard
Jon Sanders:

They were happier times. Headier times. President Barack Obama and his Democrats held strong majorities in both the House and Senate. Dreams of "fundamentally transforming the United States of America" were at hand. ... more

Since When is Mercy Validating Abortion?
Kathryn Lopez:

"(T)his is a loving, caring Jesus," is how the New York Times recently profiled a leading man in a play about abortion written by a Notre Dame grad. ... more

The New Health Law: Bad for Doctors, Awful for Patients
Jason Fodeman:

While much has been said about the recently passed health care overhaul law and a multitude of cogent arguments have been made as to why the legislation must be repealed, lengthy debates have failed to adequately address how the 2,800 pages will prevent patients from receiving the medical care that they need and want. ... more

The Gang That Won't Shoot Straight
Janet M. LaRue:

Hollywood and Washington are rife with elites opposed to the right to bear arms for folks in flyover country "who cling to guns or religion," as their champion in the White House described us. ... more

Cyber Terrorists Plan $105 Billion Theft

Pentagon officials have uncovered a plot by sophisticated hackers to "steal millions of dollars from banks all over the world." Estimates put the total expected loss to be as high as $105 billion. And security experts say two out of every three internet users will be targets. If you care about your retirement and the well-being of your family, I strongly encourage you to watch this free video presentation, which explains everything you need to know to protect yourself...

The US Should Follow Europe's Lead
Paul Driessen:

President Obama and environmentalists often say America should follow Europe's lead on energy, climate and economic matters. ... more

Turkey's Cautionary Tale
Caroline Glick:

Ever since Turkey's Islamist Justice and Development AKP party under Recip Tayip Erdogan won the November 2002 elections, Western officials have upheld the AKP, Erdogan and his colleagues as proof that political Islam is consonant with democratic values. ... more

On Margaret Sanger, the Soviets, and Democrats
Paul Kengor:

"[W]e could well take example from Russia," advised Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger, "where birth control instruction is part of the regular welfare service of the government." ... more

Today's Cartoons

Latest Political News

Government Shutdown: Crisis Averted (for the Present)

Gov. Walker Testifies on Capitol Hill

Phony Spending Cuts

Rep. Joe Crowley (D-NY) 'Speechless' on the House Floor

Conservative Movement

Headline News

Yesterday's Top 10 Columns
  1. Malkin: America, the Dependent
  2. Limbaugh: Obama
  3. Goldberg: Budget Battle, Budget Prattle
  4. Bozell: Justice and Decency
  5. North: Busted
  6. Thomas: Atlas Shrugged
  7. Coulter: On This Aborted Fetus, Democrats Plant Their Flag
  8. Chavez: Spare Us the Hypocrisy, Mr. President
  9. Buchanan: Obama Blows up the Bridge
  10. Glass: Ryan Rolls His Eyes at New "Biden Commission"
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Today in Slate: NATO's Last Mission? Plus, The I Ate At El Bulli Piece

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Today: April 15, 2011

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NATO's Last Mission?

NATO's Last Mission?

The military crisis in Libya highlights an existential crisis for NATO.

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