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TH Daily - September 22 - Thomas Sowell,Michelle Malkin,Jonah Goldberg,John Stossel,Walter E. Williams and More

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Penny-Wise on Crime
Thomas Sowell:

For more than 200 years, the political left has been coming up with reasons why criminals should not be punished as much, or at all. ... more

The Delphi Disaster: An Economic Horror Story Obama Won't Tell
Michelle Malkin:

The White House believes it can win back depressed and economically stressed voters by turning President Obama into the storyteller-in-chief again. ... more

GOP Civil War? Think Again
Jonah Goldberg:

Among the Republican leadership or the "conservative establishment," you will not find a single full-throated critic of the tea parties. ... more

The Battle for the Future
John Stossel:

For most of the life of America, and when it grew fastest, government spent just a few hundred dollars per person. ... more

Profit Versus Nonprofit
Walter E. Williams:

People always act surprised by revelations of political corruption but the Philadelphia Housing Authority corruption is highly probably in nonprofit entities such as government. ... more

Move Over Joe the Plumber ... for Velma the CFO
Dick Morris and Eileen McGann:

The MSNBC cameras unwittingly -- and probably unwillingly -- captured a Joe the Plumber moment during Monday's town hall meeting called by President Obama to discuss the economy. ... more

Still More Carter-Coddling
Brent Bozell:

Jimmy Carter is out with his 26th book, so that means he is on his 26th round of slavish liberal-media interviews hailing him as a genius and a peacemaker. ... more

Witchcraft? The Real Political Story Lies Elsewhere
Michael Gerson:

While it is great, tempting fun to write about tea party excess -- when, since Cotton Mather was young, has witchcraft been so relevant to the national debate? ... more

Celebrities Lend Their Names to a Bad Cause
Humberto Fontova:

Several celebrities have joined with Castro's propaganda ministry.... ... more

Defeating Militant Islamist Ideology
Austin Bay:

Al-Qaida has always been a propaganda power. Its dark genius has been to connect the Muslim world's angry, humiliated and isolated young men with a utopian fantasy preaching the virtue of violence. ... more

The CBC: Corruption, Belligerence, and Cronyism
Harry R. Jackson, Jr.:

What the Congressional Black Caucus really stands for... ... more

Ad Rage: Democrats Blame the First Amendment for Their Impending Losses
Jacob Sullum:

As Democrats head for what promises to be a midterm election fiasco of historic proportions, a pre-emptive excuse has begun to circulate: It's all because of Citizens United. ... more

Obamas Forgo Secular Lifestyle for One Sunday
Marybeth Hicks:

It says something — draw your own conclusions — when the president's attendance at church makes national headlines. ... more

A Mere Pimple on the Trunk of the Elephant
Tony Blankley:

Entitlement reform has become a leading issue in this year's Republican primaries. ... more

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The Office
Paul Greenberg:

The office is a kind of second family for those of us who work in one, with just as wide a range of characters. ... more

Moderate Extremists
Terry Jeffrey:

The liberal Democrats of just 50 years ago would never have imagined, let alone embraced as a kindred spirit, the type of politician we are supposed to accept as a "moderate" Republican today. ... more

The Five Most Annoying Republicans in the World
Ben Shapiro:

In writing my weekly column, I often get a lot of flack for being so pro-Republican. ... more

IRA Income Limits Don't Have to Limit How Much You Save
Carrie Schwab Pomerantz:

Dear Carrie: If you max out your 401(k) and make over $176,000, can you contribute the $6,000 limit into a Roth or traditional IRA with after-tax funds? ... more

A Wasted Decade? Hardly
David Harsanyi:

Yes, the economy is in atrocious shape. Yes, what's happening has terrible real-life consequences for millions. ... more

Obama's Vendetta Against the Wealthy
Donald Lambro:

President Obama has a real problem with wealth and people who have it. ... more

Ethics Charges Offer Democrats No Way Out in November
Armstrong Williams:

... more

2010 Race of the Day: How To Send a New York Republican to Congress
Brian Walsh:

Despite its right-leaning tendencies, New York's 19th congressional district is represented by ultra-liberal Democrat John Hall. ... more

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Today's Cartoons



Guy Benson Interviews David Limbaugh pt. 1

Christine O'Donnell and the Issues

Jillian Bandes' Washington Beat for Sept. 21st, 2010

Kyl Blasts Obama's Stance Against Bush Tax Cuts

Conservative Movement

Headline News

Yesterday's Top 10 Columns
  1. Sowell: The Politics of Resentment
  2. Adams: Habitual Liar for Congress
  3. Sprigg: Do Senators Understand Truth Behind Homosexuals' Military Service?
  4. Buchanan: Guess Who's Not Coming to Dinner
  5. Hawkins: 7 Things The Establishment Gets Wrong About The Tea Party
  6. Murchison: Atheism
  7. Limbaugh: Paradigm Shift in Politics Lost on Establishment
  8. Thomas: Burn the Establishment
  9. Charen: Democrats Chose Wrong Moment for Big Government
  10. Norris: Trigger The Vote!
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