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TH Daily - December 20 - Guy Benson, Jillian Bandes, Michael Barone, Mike Adams, Lurita Doan and More

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Free Presentation: Biotech breakthrough to "sidestep" FDA approval
Six weeks from now, this tiny biotech company will bypass the FDA - legally - sparking a potential $497.8 billion windfall. How? They'll introduce a breakthrough medical technology to 64 world markets at once. This free presentation reveals exactly how investors can get in beforehand for gains as much as 22,627%. Please GO HERE now for details.
Angle's Divided House Aided Her Fall
Guy Benson:

Infighting paralyzed Sharron Angle's 2010 Senate campaign, with two distinct sides in open war with each other. Amidst the fallout, the ex-candidate is weighing another run for statewide office. ... more

The Fierce Booze Battle
Jillian Bandes:

The battle over booze regulation is a sexy, dirty, political mess that could leave you dizzier than a drunk after a long night at the pub. ... more

Reid and Pelosi Finally Get Mugged by Public Opinion
Michael Barone:

Elections have consequences. The consequences of the November 2010 elections -- and one might add the November 2009 elections in New Jersey and Virginia and the January 2010 special Senate election in Massachusetts -- became clear as lights shined over the snow at both ends of the Capitol on Thursday night. ... more

Hope for Every Man
Mike Adams:

Over the course of the last few weeks, I've received numerous well-reasoned emails asking me to explain my differences with radio talk show host Neal Boortz ... more

Obama's Churchless Charity
Lurita Doan:

President Obama is quick to visit churches, of any denomination, when he's in search of political donations, in search of votes or in search of street creds with the Black community. ... more

Childhood Obesity and National Security
Janice Shaw Crouse:

First Lady Michelle Obama is launching a campaign to end childhood obesity along with legislation to back up the effort — the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010. ... more

Coercion Is Not Commerce
David Harsanyi:

Let's imagine -- for the sake of this discussion I'm having with myself -- that forcing people to purchase health insurance is desirable, ethical and a much-needed tool in solving a national crisis. ... more

Free Presentation: Biotech breakthrough to "sidestep" FDA approval

Six weeks from now, this tiny biotech company will bypass the FDA - legally - sparking a potential $497.8 billion windfall. How? They'll introduce a breakthrough medical technology to 64 world markets at once. This free presentation reveals exactly how investors can get in beforehand for gains as much as 22,627%. Please GO HERE now for details.

Obama, McCartney and the Tax Man!
Ken Blackwell:

maybe we need to invite Sir Paul back. He could dedicate his next song to President Obama. Who can forget the Beatles' famous song The Taxman? ... more

The Case for a Balanced Budget
Bruce Bialosky:

This is the third in a three-part series focused on what the new Congress should accomplish. ... more

A Christmas Gift of Community
Terry Paulson:

As millions around the world prepare to celebrate the birth of Jesus this Christmas, it may be easy to miss one of the greatest gifts that continues to bear fruit throughout the year—the support and service faith communities provide. ... more

New Stimulus Will Damage Recovery
Floyd and Mary Beth Brown:

The lame duck Congress and President Obama are retarding the recovery. It's tough medicine to medicine to swallow-- ending unemployment benefits for people who have been out of work for three years-- but it is necessary if we want recovery. ... more

Should Michael Steele Stay as RNC Chairman?
Star Parker:

Next month the Republican National Committee will elect a chairman to lead their party into the 2012 presidential election. ... more

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