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10 Things About the Christmas Story You May Have Missed -- December 20, 2010

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Monday, December 20, 2010 Email Send to a Friend   Mobile Mobile   Free Newsletters Free Newsletters
Merry Christmas!

10 Things About the Christmas Story You May Have Missed

Joe McKeever
It is a great privilege to tell the Christmas story. Allow me to elaborate on that fact and nine other aspects of this wonderful story you might have missed...
Read the full article here

Christian Relationships

What a Woman Brings to Marriage
Laura MacCorkle
The Proverbs 31 woman is great and all. But the ultimate example who should inform what I bring to marriage is Christ. He modeled so well the type of intangibles that I hope to one day bring to a union with my future husband.
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What a Man Brings to Marriage
Cliff Young
We often focus on what we will get out of a marriage relationship. Perhaps it's time to start focusing on what we men can bring, so that we will have something to offer at the table (a man's dowry, if you will) before making a life-long commitment.
Read the full article here

Change the Climate of Your Marriage
Whitney Hopler
Just as every place has a climate, so does every marriage. The climate of your marriage relationship can be a stormy one that's filled with conflict, a chilly one that lacks intimacy, or a sunny one that brings warm joy into your life...
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43 Christmas Sermons
Ray Pritchard
Every year at Christmastime pastors scramble to find suitable sermon material. In order to help you, we have put together a web page with 43 Christmas sermons.
Read the full article here


Connect with Your Young Adult this Christmas
Bill and Pam Farrel
As kids head to college or marry and begin families of their own, sometimes the holidays can become a source of stress or tension for the family. We have avoided much of the typical tyranny of this transition with a few simple principles...
Read the full article here


The Voyage of the Dawn Treader Takes Lewis Fans on a Fantastic Trip
Christian Hamaker
Brother and sister Lucy and Edmund Pevensie are back in The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader. After the megahit The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, it's safe to say that Dawn Treader should recover any fans who didn't respond to Prince Caspian.
Read the full article here

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