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Coasting to the Left
Bill O'Reilly:

If this week's election returns demonstrate that the vast majority of the country is moving to the right, why do the West Coast and the Northeast continue to embrace liberalism, especially when it has led to economic disaster? ... more

GOP Poised to Reap Redistricting Rewards
Michael Barone:

Let's try to put some metrics on last Tuesday's historic election. Two years ago, the popular vote for House of Representatives was 54 percent Democratic and 43 percent Republican. ... more

Top Democrats in Denial
Jonah Goldberg:

Rep. Barney Frank seems simply aggrieved during his victory speech that he was forced to take a race seriously. ... more

A More Colorful GOP
Rob Schwarzwalder:

This week, roughly twice as many blacks voted Republican as in 2008. Latino Republican voters also increased, albeit more modestly. ... more

A Mixed Election For Women
Kathryn Lopez:

You win some, you lose some; We've seen that idea playing out in these midterm elections. ... more

We Are Not for Sale
Caroline Glick:

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu is playing with fire. And Israel is getting burned. ... more

Obama's Re-Election
Rich Galen:

We're pretty much done with that pesky election of 2010, so here is my analysis about President Obama's chances to be re-elected. ... more

Latest Political News

Today's Cartoons



2010 MID-TERM ELECTION: voter and media montage

Family Research Council talks to Senator Jim Demint, Rick Santorum, Steve King, Kellyanne Conway About Election Results

The Partisans: Is Obama A Keynesian? Rally For Sanity, 10/30/10

"Restoring Sanity" One Nutty Sign At A Time

Conservative Movement

Headline News

Yesterday's Top 10 Columns
  1. Malkin: Voters Speak
  2. Buchanan: Has History Passed Obama By?
  3. Bozell: Losing Your Head at the Supreme Court
  4. Limbaugh: Obama Doesn't Seek Compromise; Neither Should We
  5. Goldberg: Top Democrats in Denial
  6. Goldberg: In Victory, the GOP Will Turn on Each Other
  7. Galen: Obama's Re-Election
  8. Coulter: We're All Bigots Now
  9. Charen: Impressions from a Historic Election
  10. North: Heroes
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