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TH Daily - November 12 - Michelle Malkin, Jillian Bandes, Brent Bozell, David Limbaugh, Hugh Hewitt and More

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Throw Carol Browner Under the Bus
Michelle Malkin:

Energy czar Carol Browner needs to go the way of disgraced green jobs czar Van Jones: under the bus and stripped of her unbridled power to destroy jobs and lives in the name of saving the planet. ASAP. ... more

Your Opinion Counts: The Incoming GOP Congress
Jillian Bandes:

For the past week, conservatives have been bellyaching that the new class of Republicans won't do much of anything. ... more

The Vast Child-Fattening Conspiracy
Brent Bozell:

When it comes to the increasing sex, violence and profanity in entertainment media, the social libertines are indifferent. They insist that children will hardly be warped or ruined by the media they consume. They chortle at the paranoia of Hollywood critics. ... more

Don't Be Taken In by the Deficit Commission
David Limbaugh:

If preliminary rumblings from the National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform's upcoming report are accurate, I'm afraid the conservative agenda might be against the ropes again. ... more

Did They Hear You?
Hugh Hewitt:

Voters sent a message to the president, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid that really could not be misunderstood, but this week all three gave every indication of not caring what voters thought. ... more

Oliver North:

The world's most famous teleprompter reader has lost his audience. ... more

The Fed Trashes the Dollar
Pat Buchanan:

If it is the first responsibility of the Federal Reserve to protect the dollars that Americans earn and save, is it not dereliction of duty for the Fed to pursue a policy to bleed value from those dollars? ... more

The Second Wave
Michael Gerson:

Following the midterm elections, attention understandably focused on those parts of the South and Midwest where the Obama coalition collapsed. ... more

Obamacare Hits the Most Vulnerable
Mona Charen:

Obamacare is a train wreck of a law. We cannot rely on the courts to reverse it. The only hope for sensible policy, both for fiscal and physical health, is repeal. ... more

Closing the Doors to Opportunity
Linda Chavez:

The Obama administration thinks it knows best how to run health care, the banks, and the auto industry, so why not post-secondary education? ... more

Obamanomics Combines With Fed to Guarantee More Economic Misery
Matt Towery:

I'll give President Obama a bit of credit for signaling that he will abandon temporarily one aspect of his crazy economic philosophy, best termed "Obamanomics. " ... more

Free Clarence Aaron
Debra J. Saunders:

For Clarence Aaron, Barack Obama's failure to act must seem unspeakably cold. In 1993, Aaron was sentenced to life without parole for a first-time nonviolent federal drug offense. ... more

Barack Obama: The Most Anti-Israel President
Ken Blackwell:

With his remarks in Jakarta, Indonesia, President Obama made history once again. Sadly, it's a most unenviable title. ... more

The Day After We Borrow
David Harsanyi:

Not long ago, I finagled my way into a conference featuring a number of top economists discussing the future of government. ... more

Real Crimes Against Humanity
Paul Driessen:

Last week's elections resoundingly affirm that America's top priorities are economic growth, job creation and less Washington control of our lives. ... more

Bush Tax-Cut Support Gains Strength
Donald Lambro:

Obama has the ultimate presidential weapon, the veto, but he has also signaled that he does not want to be the one blamed for letting all the tax rates rise on low-, middle- and upper-income Americans. ... more

Angry America? Tea Partiers with Pitchforks?
Cliff May:

What too many in the media have refused to recognize is that Tea Party members are not calling for a revolution – they're calling for a restoration. ... more

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Green Jobs Can't Survive, Even With Subsidies

Rand Paul Calls Out MSM For Bias

MSM Ignores "Deficit Commission" Tax Increases

Shocking Hate-Filled Rhetoric from the Left

Conservative Movement

Headline News

Yesterday's Top 10 Columns
  1. Coulter: Repeal the 26th Amendment!
  2. Elder: Of Course Sarah Palin's 'Unfit'
  3. Hanson: The Politics of Budget-Cutting
  4. Hewitt: Did They Hear You?
  5. Reagan: Saving California
  6. Thomas: The Olbermann Factor
  7. Bandes: Is the GOP Transition Team Talk or Action?
  8. Benson: Midwest Massacre Fueled GOP Wave
  9. Kudlow: The World Against Bernanke
  10. Sowell: Political Judges
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