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TH Daily - October 05 - Thomas Sowell,Guy Benson,Chuck Norris,Cal Thomas,Pat Buchanan and More

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Red Herring Politics
Thomas Sowell:

In an election year, this is the time for an "October surprise"-- some sensational, and usually irrelevant, revelation to distract the voters from serious issues. ... more

Frazier Goes for the Knock Out In Colorado's Seventh District
Guy Benson:

Ryan Frazier's goal is to focus on issues, work hard to introduce himself to voters, and to defeat incumbent Democrat Earl Perlmutter. ... more

The Feds' Disease: Spending! (Part 1)
Chuck Norris:

But will we show ourselves to be misguided by allowing certain Washington bureaucratic bandits to stay in office? ... more

Mr. Speaker-in-Waiting
Cal Thomas:

The House Minority Leader sits in his spacious Capitol Hill office contemplating an upgrade to larger digs should his party live up to expectations and win a majority of congressional seats in the midterm elections this November. ... more

The Balkanization of Barack's Party
Pat Buchanan:

After John McCain's defeat, even amateur political analysts could see a trend ultimately fatal to the Republican Party. ... more

The Dangers of Under-Confidence
Dick Morris and Eileen McGann:

Just as when the Republican establishment wrote off Scott Brown's effort to capture "Ted Kennedy's" seat in the Senate, the Washington Republicans may be underestimating the number of seats the GOP can capture in the House of Representatives. ... more

Good Riddance to the Pelosi Era
Mona Charen:

It is Pelosi's legislation, her attitudes, and her legacy on which we will vote a month from now. ... more

A GOP Unknown in Striking Distance of Barney Frank
Byron York:

Sean Bielat, the Republican candidate for Congress in Massachusetts' 4th District, has had just one conversation with his Democratic opponent, Rep. Barney Frank. ... more

Humorless Muslims and Annoying Christians
Joseph C. Phillips:

I am curious to see what happens when President Obama invites Molly Norris to the White House for a beer. ... more

The Fruits of Obama's Muslim Outreach
David Limbaugh:

I realize it's unfair and, according to some, even racist to hold President Obama accountable for his failed economic policies and cynical campaign promises, but could we at least raise a question or two about his foreign policy boasts? ... more

An Ex-CNN Anchor's Definition of Bigotry
Debra J. Saunders:

Last week, CNN fired anchor Rick Sanchez after he called Jon Stewart a bigot in a radio interview during which he also questioned whether Jews face discrimination. ... more

American Exceptionalism: Obama vs. Jefferson
Frank Turek:

Obama misunderstands what we mean by American exceptionalism. ... more

Physicians, Do No Harm
Rebecca Hagelin:

Scientists are making our smallest humans, embryos, are subjects for experimentation. ... more

Liberal Republican Primary Losers Better not Spoil the Elections
Rachel Alexander:

A message must be sent to the establishment sore losers in the GOP. ... more

Questions for Congressional Candidates
Phyllis Schlafly:

We look forward to the 2010 elections in the hope that we can decisively reject Barack Obama's plans to "fundamentally transform the United States." Here are some questions voters can ask all candidates to help decide whom to vote for. ... more

Preventing a Propaganda Parade
Ed Feulner:

Here's a pop quiz for you college students out there. When handling controversial issues, whether modern-day or historical, do your professors present both sides? ... more

Voting With Their Feet
Bill Murchison:

California remains, in many respects, a wonderful state, and I don't have the slightest interest in bashing it. How could a state that nurtured Ronald Reagan not have wondrous, praiseworthy attributes? ... more

Accused Rapist More Popular With Democrats than Obama
Scott Wheeler:

... more

The Demise of American Education
Paul Greenberg:

Is there a fad that the educationists have not embraced over the years, much to the detriment of education? ... more

2010 Race of the Day UPDATE: Reclaiming MS-01
Brian Walsh:

Over the summer, the race for Mississippi's First Congressional District has continued to develop into one of the must-watch contests of the year. ... more

Chinese Monopoly Wreaking Havoc
Shawn Ambrosino:

What may have seemed like a small detail can blow up in your face at the slightest provocation, and that's exactly what is happening now with China's virtual monopoly on the "Rare Earth" elements market. ... more

Michael Vick in the Land of 'R' Words
Allen Hunt:

While many merely focus on the football, the story of Michael Vick is worth celebrating. ... more

Obama's Definition of Rich is Wrong
Rachel Marsden:

... more

Across America, Main Street Voices Disappointment
Salena Zito:

All along the country's "blue highways" (those secondary roads marked blue on U.S. maps) Americans spoke about their disappointment in the change they so proudly supported in 2008. ... more

Where's W. When You Need Him?
Rich Galen:

Here's what I hate: When reality overtakes your favorite theory and you look like a blithering moron. ... more

Black Crosses and Black Deaths
Harry R. Jackson, Jr.:

Attacks on coal-mining and use would trample on hopes, progress, living standards and lives. ... more

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Headline News

Yesterday's Top 10 Columns
  1. Adams: Just Swastikas
  2. Barone: Pelosi's Vote to Adjourn Could Be Her Last Hurrah
  3. Marsden: Obama's Definition of Rich is Wrong
  4. Blackwell: An October Surprise? Tell It to the Marines
  5. Platt Liebau: Republicans Should Prepare for "October Surprises"
  6. Doan: Obama Prefers Some Minority Businesses and Punishes Others
  7. Phillips: Humorless Muslims and Annoying Christians
  8. Dick Morris: The Dangers of Under-Confidence
  9. Walsh: 2010 Race of the Day UPDATE
  10. Bialosky: Plundered by Our Own Employees
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