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Mel's Meltdown: A Cautionary Tale for Christian Artists -- August 12, 2010

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Thursday, August 12, 2010 Email Send to a Friend   Mobile Mobile   Free Newsletters Free Newsletters
Faith & The Church

Mel's Meltdown: A Cautionary Tale for Christian Artists
J. Scott McElroy
There is no excuse for much of the recent behavior demonstrated by the director of The Passion of the Christ. Mel Gibson's choices have undoubtedly led to the sad state of his life, and we can learn from that. I'm also certain the enemy has been there every step, egging Gibson on...
Read the full article here


Thank God for the New Atheists?
Al Mohler
Self-styled "evangelist" for evolution, Michael Dowd, gushes that the New Atheists 'have come to our rescue," but that "rescue" is an escape from biblical Christianity, and even from any belief in the supernatural. In his view, the God of the Bible is neither believable nor good.
Read the full article here

Judging Marriage
Chuck Colson
Let's be clear. What's at stake here goes beyond California and even beyond marriage itself. The reasoning that overturned California's law, that said that the right of gays to marry is a fundamental constitutional right, would, if applied nationally, overturn similar laws throughout the country.
Read the full article here

The World's Smallest Rotary Engine
William A. Dembski & Jonathan Witt
Some ID critics try to dismiss intelligent design simply by labeling it "religion" or "bad philosophy." Let's consider exactly what the two sides are saying, boiling it down into everyday language.
Read the full article here

Career & Finance

Actions Speak Loudest in Job Interviews and in Life
Dan Miller
I also often ask to meet a client for lunch. In watching how they interact with others, how they treat the waitress, and how they attempt to pick up or avoid the check, I learn a lot about that person.
Read the full article here

Get Back at Your Creditors
Mary Hunt
Late fees, punitive interest rates, over-limit fees, loading up your credit report with negative information -- it's enough to make you scream! If you've had enough, maybe it's time for you to turn the tables and get back at them.
Read the full article here


High School: Begin with the End in Mind
Christine Field
Before starting high school with our older kids, we sent for admission requirements for some of the colleges they might attend. We carefully examined them and planned their four years of high school accordingly.
Read the full article here
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