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Culturebox: The Official "Rah" Handbook

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The Official "Rah" Handbook
Prince William and Kate Middleton aren't preppies. You should call them "rahs."
By Sonia van Gilder Cooke
Posted Wednesday, April 20, 2011, at 7:07 AM ET

In order to better understand the divine coupling of Prince William and Kate Middleton, we've asked a local London correspondent, Flossy Barret-Wolmsby, to explain their particular subculture to readers on this side of the pond. Herewith, a primer on the British "rah." They're like American preppies, but with more paisley.

Prince William sticks out his tongue at his darling Kate Middleton. Click image to expand.Hallo sweet angels, swing me your ears! No doubt you are all bated breathlessly for the royal wedding of gorgeous William and his Kate. Yet these sexySEX lovers are just the tip of the posh-berg of young rich Brits known as Sloane Rangers, Hooray Henrys, and toffs. Each term deserves its own treatise, but for the sake of brevity, we'll call them "rahs." (Rich arseholes in prole-tois.) There is a strict rah pecking order, with Wills at the top, and betas who shop at Jack Wills (England's Abercrombie) at the bottom. And since you'll be glued to the telly for all the connubial mayhem, you may as well learn the secret ways of the royal cabal. LIKE.

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Sonia van Gilder Cooke is an American journalist living in London.

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