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TH Daily - December 19 - Doug Giles, Debra J. Saunders, Paul Jacob, Steve Chapman, Austin Hill and More

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Why Gays Should Dial Down with 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell'
Doug Giles:

I can understand why homosexual men would want to join the military. ... more

The Democrats' New Pork: Trains to Nowhere
Debra J. Saunders:

In the last decade, the symbol for profligate federal spending was the infamous "Bridge to Nowhere". ... more

America's No. 1 freedom fighter
Paul Jacob:

Not since Howard Jarvis has one man done so much for so many, and yet reaped so much public hatred (and private appreciation) in return. ... more

American Education, Curbing Excellence
Steve Chapman:

America's primary and secondary schools have many problems, but an excess of excellence is not one of them. ... more

"No New Jobs"? There Are Lots Of New (Government) Jobs!
Austin Hill:

American corporations have begun posting healthy profits. Banks that were once "on the brink" have now been stabilized and are flush with cash. ... more

Chris Christie's Heritage in American Politics
Salena Zito:

"People want you to play it straight," New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie says in response to today's media frenzy whenever a politician speaks outside the safety of talking points. ... more

Restrained by the Constitution
Ken Connor:

As a conservative, of course I am delighted with Judge Hudson's Obamacare decision. As an attorney, I am impressed by Hudson's admirable exercise of judicial restraint in crafting his opinion. ... more

Hype Versus Reality on Indian Climate Change
Willie Soon:

Long-term perspectives support natural, cyclical variation – not manmade disasters. ... more

Obama's New 'Gay' Force
Kevin McCullough:

Upon his signature President Obama will begin a process that will at the very least disrupt operations, and at the very worst see the eventual weakening of our armed forces. ... more

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Palin Responds to Charles Krauthammer's Critique

Bring Him Home, Santa

The Insanity of Ethanol Policy

TSA Missed Loaded Gun in Airport Screening

Conservative Movement

Headline News

Yesterday's Top 10 Columns
  1. O'Reilly: A Very Liberal Christmas
  2. LaRue: Eric Holder's Briefs Are In a Bundle
  3. Weissenberger: Failure Equals Success in Looking Glass World of Cancun
  4. Olson: Union Leaders
  5. Lopez: Stay-at-Home Moms are the Real World
  6. Glick: Bringing Bibi Down
  7. Tallman: How Big Should Government Be?
  8. Malkin: America, the Crab Bucket
  9. Bozell: Exploiting the Teen Temptress
  10. Blomberg: Pentagon Report
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