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Shikishi submission to annual exhibition is ending on Dec 27

Cultural News Email Daily
Cultural News Email Daily is edited by Shige Higashi of Cultural News in Los Angeles, California. The goal of Cultural News is to tie together with enthusiasts of Japanese culture in Southern California. The indexing at www.culturalnews.com is most comprehensive source of Japanese culture in the region. This is a membership site. Join Cultural News Club!

Shikishi submission to the annual exhibition is ending on Dec 27

 JACCC Shikishi Open Art Call


13th Annual Shikishi Exhibition

January 2 through February 27
Doizaki Gallery at the Japanese American Cultural and Community Center


The Japanese American Cultural and Community Center in Los Angeles is sending out an open call for art with two programs: the 13th Annual Shikishi Exhibition from Jan 2 - Feb 27; and The Power of Community Video Contest.


The Shikishi submission to the annual exhibition is ending on Dec 27. All artwork should be sent to JACCC by that date.


According to the Japan Post group, over 2 billion letters were delivered on New Years 2010.


These Hatu Dayori, or "First Letters for the New Years" is the year of 2011 theme for the 13th Annual Shikishi Exhibition at the Doizaki Gallery of the Japanese American Cultural and Community Center in Little Tokyo Downtown Los Angeles.


The shikishi paperboards will interpret the theme, expressing messages, wishes, and aspirations for 2011, as well as references to the Year of the Rabbit, and the rich display of creativity and originality will become the collective voice of our diverse community.


Shikishi are Japanese congratulatory cards of standard size, which has been used in Japan since the twelfth century for painting and writing poetry.


Today, these shikishi are given as gifts to make a memorable or special occasion. Past participants have included celebrities, local personalities, politicians, writers, artists, priests, activists, and writers.


All entries must be submitted by December 27 to:

c/o 13th Annual Shikishi Exhibtition
244 South San Pedro Street, Suite 505
Los Angeles, CA. 90012


Download the Solicitation Letter

Download the Registration Form



The use of standard size shikishi paperboard is the requirement for participation in the exhibit. There is also a $10 suggested entry fee.

Shikishi can be purchased at local Japanese bookstores, or you can request one from the JACCC while supplies last.


For more information about the exhibition call Gavin Kelley at (213) 628-2725


The Power of Community Video Contest
Monday, January 31, 2011 Deadline Extended!


The Power of Community Video Contest presented by Nissan aims to provide an opportunity for young Asian American filmmakers and artists to creatively express the important role community can play in strengthening one's ties to culture, family, and physical space, as well as serve as a platform to educate the greater Asian American community about cultural preservation and the impact that a unified, strong community can make.


JACCC is looking for the best 60-second video that visually and creatively completes the phrase "The power of community is...".


Videos may be in any genre, and this competition is free and open to anyone.


All entries must be submitted by January 31, 2011.



c/o The Power of Community Video Contest

244 South San Pedro Street, Suite 505

Los Angles, CA 90012


The first place video will receive $1,000 cash prize and will be shown to hundreds of people at an outdoor film screening in the summer of 2011.

For more information about the video contest please contact: powerofcommunityvideocontest@gmail.com 


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