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TH Daily - December 04 - Bill O'Reilly, Jillian Bandes, Larry Kudlow, Hugh Hewitt, Dick Morris and Eileen McGann and More

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Jimmy Carter Gone Wild
Bill O'Reilly:

There used to be a code among former presidents that you did not speak ill of other occupants of the White House. ... more

Simplification of the Tax Code Not Likely
Jillian Bandes:

Tax code reform has the potential to achieve what seems to be an impossible goal: increasing revenue while lowering tax rates. ... more

Shock Therapy for Jobs
Larry Kudlow:

Pro-growth incentives will fix this dismal unemployment picture. ... more

The Congress That Needs To Go Home
Hugh Hewitt:

This failed Congress needs to close up shop and go home. They have become the unwelcome house guest, staying and staying and indifferent to every hint the host can give to clear out. ... more

Reapportionner's Dilemma: Go for Extra Seats
Dick Morris and Eileen McGann:

As a result of the massive Republican victories last month, Republicans in statehouses all over America have the happy duty of redrawing congressional district lines in time for the 2012 elections based on the 2010 census. ... more

'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' on the Way Out
Debra J. Saunders:

On Tuesday, Defense Secretary Robert Gates released a long-awaited Pentagon working-group report on the repeal of the "don't ask, don't tell" policy enacted under President Bill Clinton. ... more

The Tribe of Young Unbelievers Increases
Janice Shaw Crouse:

Christianity Today recently documented the fact that America's churches are not only "failing to attract younger worshipers," but they are also "not holding on to the ones" raised in the church. ... more

The Rich Can Afford It, but Can We?
David Harsanyi:

Few displays of phony generosity and bogus earnestness are more irritating than watching a stinking-rich tycoon advocating that others shell out more in taxes. ... more

Hil, John and Potty Politics
Kathryn Lopez:

It took a man to break the porcelain ceiling in the U.S. House of Representatives. ... more

Why the Lame Duck Session of Congress is So Dangerous
Floyd and Mary Beth Brown:

To understand Washington DC, you have to first stop listening to the rhetoric, and start watching the behavior. As TV character Michael Weston aptly puts it, "Watch my actions, not my words." Underneath all the bluster, we live in a single party country where the Republicans and Democrats are just different factions of a big-government loving elite feasting on the plunder of an enormous bureaucracy. ... more

Up from Homophobia
Steve Chapman:

I used to be a homophobe. I didn't dislike gays a little; I disliked them a lot. ... more

The American Dream: Pro and Con
Paul Greenberg:

It's the rational, fair, humane and, perhaps most of all, patriotic solution to just one aspect of the vast challenge represented by the millions of illegal immigrants in this country. It's called the DREAM Act, and it would allow young people brought into this country illegally but reared as Americans to get on a path to citizenship -- if they enroll in college or join the armed services. ... more

The WikiLeaks Challenge
Caroline Glick:

Make no mistake about it, the ongoing WikiLeaks operation against the US is an act of war. It is not merely a criminal offense to publish hundreds of thousands of classified US government documents with malice aforethought. It is an act of sabotage. ... more

Tax Cut Plan a Little Too Ironic
Donald Lambro:

In what will stand as the greatest irony of Barack Obama's soak-the-rich presidency, his deficit-cutting commission is proposing to sharply lower the top income tax rates on the wealthy. ... more

Bye Bye Biden
Rich Galen:

Joe Biden was elected to the U.S. Senate in 1972 and served a U.S. Senator until his resignation on January 15, 2009 to become VP. ... more

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Yesterday's Top 10 Columns
  1. Malkin: No More Illegal Alien Waivers
  2. Limbaugh: Gibbs Is a Window Into the Obama Psyche
  3. Goldberg: A 'Never Mind' Energy Policy
  4. Benson: A Memo to New Republican Lawmakers
  5. North: Voting With Their Feet
  6. Charen: For the Boys' Sake, Don't Kill the SAT
  7. Galen: Bye Bye Biden
  8. Coulter: Bradley Manning
  9. Buchanan: The 9/11 of American Diplomacy
  10. Bozell: Shock Art and "Social Dignity"
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