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TH Daily - November 23 - Thomas Sowell, Byron York, Chuck Norris, David Limbaugh, Mike Adams and More

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Airport "Security"?
Thomas Sowell:

No country has better airport security than Israel-- and no country needs it more, since Israel is the most hated target of Islamic extremist terrorists. ... more

Holder Ignored Risks of Civilian Terror Trials
Byron York:

An Iowa farmer tried to warn Attorney General Eric Holder on the risks of trying high-value foreign terrorism suspects in American civilian courts. ... more

A Leader We All Can Follow
Chuck Norris:

I know you'll join me in giving thanks this Thanksgiving for leaders like Gen. James Amos and all the rest of our service members around the world. ... more

Save Us From the Intellectuals
David Limbaugh:

Super-genius political science professor Charles H. Franklin of the University of Wisconsin, Madison recently gave loud voice to a widely held liberal belief: Ordinary Americans, especially conservative ones, are stupid. ... more

I'm Dreaming of A Second Amendment Christmas
Mike Adams:

It's been awhile since I've written a column offering firearm recommendations. ... more

An Animated Conversation with Former President George W. Bush
Larry Kudlow:

I recently sat down with George W. Bush to discuss his new book. With the greatest respect to the former president, he and I disagreed on a number of issues, and let each other know about it. ... more

Why Conservatives Are Happier Than Liberals
Dennis Prager:

According to polls -- Pew Research Center, the National Science Foundation -- and studies such as Professor Arthur Brooks' Gross National Happiness, conservative Americans are happier than liberal Americans. ... more

Is the American Dream Over?
Cal Thomas:

At least one liberal writer is channeling Jimmy Carter, implying our best days are behind us and this version of the American dream is over. ... more

Is GOP Risking a New Cold War?
Pat Buchanan:

Before Republican senators vote down the strategic arms reduction treaty negotiated by the Obama administration, they should think long and hard about the consequences. ... more

Search for Terrorists, Not Weapons
Mona Charen:

After 9/11, we were all under the impression that the newly created TSA would be particularly alert for certain kinds of behavior. Instead, we seem to have settled into a kind of bovine, tedious hunt for weapons. ... more

The 25 Best Quotes About Liberals
John Hawkins:

Now, for something completely different, here are the 25 best quotes about liberals. Enjoy! ... more

Not TSA Pat-Downs, But Freedom Fondles
Debra J. Saunders:

The latest controversy over Transportation Security Administration body scans and enhanced body pat-downs leaves no doubt: America truly is a nation of whiners. ... more

Jindal: An American Solution for Energy Independence
Bobby Jindal:

In the wake of Republicans' takeover of the House, many pundits are convinced that the federal government will be at a stalemate for the next two years, unable to get anything done. I believe we can—and should—do better. ... more

DeMint Must Now Watch His Back
Douglas MacKinnon:

Once, present and now future Sen. Lisa Murkowski should be congratulated on her ability to cobble together the needed collection of less-than-altruistic corporate types, lobbyists and seemingly endless $100,000 contributions to overwhelm Tea Party political neophyte Joe Miller and win her write-in campaign. ... more

The Day Before
Paul Greenberg:

Hard times, good times, they alternate. But faith persists in the American character. For that reason Thanksgiving may be the most American of holidays. ... more

Decision Point: George W. Bush's Pro-Life Path
Paul Kengor:

George W. Bush is an interesting man with a complicated presidency that most Americans-going into Bush's final year of office-deemed a failure. At one point, Bush had the worst approval/disapproval rating since Gallup began measuring. His record on domestic policy and foreign policy, on the economy and Iraq, on Katrina and the War on Terror, engenders much heated debate. ... more

Obama's Slump
Rich Galen:

If you live in Washington, DC and follow the local Major League Baseball team - the Nationals - you know a little something about slumps. ... more

Sarah Palin's America By Heart
Katie Pavlich:

Sarah Palin's new book, America By Heart, comes out today, and any American who believes in faith, family, love of country and even history, will enjoy reading it. ... more

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Headline News

Yesterday's Top 10 Columns
  1. Adams: Coming Home
  2. Bialosky: Why Jews Vote Democratic – Redux
  3. Parker: Charlie Rangel Is a Symptom of a Bigger Problem
  4. Barone: Ways to Come to Grips With American's Fiscal Mess
  5. Phillips: The Failing Promise of Public Education
  6. Hill: Could California Sink The Obama Presidency?
  7. Sowell: Airport "Security"?
  8. Shaw Crouse: Is Cohabitation the Modern Version of Marriage?
  9. Galen: Obama's Slump
  10. Hawkins: The 25 Best Quotes About Liberals
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