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TH Daily - November 04 - Ann Coulter, Jillian Bandes, Guy Benson, Jillian Bandes, Victor Davis Hanson and More

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We're All Bigots Now
Ann Coulter:

After Tuesday's election, the fresh new faces of the Democratic Party are ... Harry Reid and Jerry Brown! ... more

Slurpee-Loving President Goes for the Gold
Jillian Bandes:

President Obama smacked his lips repeatedly and declared his love for Slurpees in a wide-ranging press conference on Wednesday that highlighted his charisma and unwillingness to compromise. ... more

Racist Tea Party? GOP Welcomes Diverse Cast of Newcomers
Guy Benson:

Marco Rubio. Nikki Haley. Tim Scott. Amidst nonstop accusations of racial prejudice from the MSM, Republicans elected a diverse cast of conservatives in key races last night, which should put to rest the canard that opposition to Obama-Pelosi Dems is fueled by race. ... more

Tea Party Makes a Statement
Jillian Bandes:

Tea partiers won some and lost some last night, but their influence was strong enough to make a statement: the movement has made a difference. ... more

America Just Checked Into Rehab
Victor Davis Hanson:

On Tuesday voters rejected President Obama's attempt to remake America in the image of an imploding Europe. ... more

November 3 Contract with America
Larry Elder:

Politicians take contradictory pledges because voters send contradictory signals. ... more

Voters Reject Obama's Big-Government Ambitions
Michael Barone:

It seems that the 2010 elections have produced results that are unprecedented in the lifetimes of most readers. ... more

Huck Fate
Mike Adams:

There can be little doubt that most contemporary First Amendment problems are caused by self-proclaimed liberals. ... more

Stopping the Bad Stuff Is a Plus
Larry Kudlow:

Momentous events this week -- the Republican House sweep and the Fed's QE2 -- moved the stock market needle only a little over Tuesday and Wednesday, although the net impact was a gain of about 90 points. ... more

Where The Action Ought To Be: A Once in a Generation Chance for the Midwest
Hugh Hewitt:

States that have hemorrhaged jobs and opportunities over the past many years of misrule by Democratic governors and Democratic majorities have to take quick and decisive action on three fronts. ... more

After the Fall
Cal Thomas:

The cynic in me says that Democrats will learn nothing from the midterm election. ... more

President Obama Still Doesn't Get It
Matt Towery:

Those who've followed this column over the years know that when President Obama was first elected, I tried valiantly to give him the benefit of the doubt. ... more

Brown Won -- and Whitman Lost Big
Debra J. Saunders:

At his post-victory news conference Wednesday morning, Governor elect Jerry Brown showed why he won the election with a million votes to spare. ... more

Newt Gingrich's Take on 2010 and Beyond
Jackie Gingrich Cushman:

What advice would Newt Gingrich give John Boehner? ... more

Obama's 'Green' Energy Plan Infringes on Liberty
Matt Kibbe:

America must seek to promote free market environmental solutions that will add jobs to our economy. ... more

Red Tape on the Rise
Ed Feulner:

Nobody enjoys paying taxes. Not the ones the government deducts from every paycheck. Not sales taxes. And certainly not the check that millions of us write to the IRS every year. ... more

The More Things Change...
Steve Chapman:

There are lots of metaphors flying around to describe Tuesday's Republican victory. Landslide. Earthquake. Tsunami. ... more

The Public Is Watching
Tony Blankley:

Removing the snake from the garden with a stick was a rejection of the snake, but should not be seen as particularly an endorsement of the stick. ... more

Disputing the Skeptical Environmentalist
Willie Soon and David Legates:

Bjorn Lomborg, author of The Skeptical Environmentalist and Cool It, is right about the need to focus on critical health and economic priorities. But he is wrong about human carbon dioxide emissions causing what is now being called "global climate disruption." ... more

Emmett Tyrrell:

Liberals are having a difficult time explaining what happened to them Election Day. ... more

A Vote Against Government
David Harsanyi:

If you're not angry, you haven't been paying attention. ... more

Now We Know...The Shape of Things to Come
Ross Mackenzie:

Now that the elections are over, will the Republicans go back to their old ways and be just as bad as they were before? ... more

Does First Amendment Require Selling Violent Video Games to Children?
Ken Klukowski:

Many newer video games depict graphic violence, such as torturing and defiling women and children. These games are sold to kids. The Supreme Court is considering whether the First Amendment forbids states from restricting the sale of these games to minors. ... more

Saudi Friends and Foes
Frank Gaffney:

It seems that, thanks to Saudi Arabia, the latest effort to kill Americans with sophisticated bombs failed. Thanks to Saudi Arabia, we are certain to be subjected to more such attacks in the future. ... more

Repeal It Now!
Michael Reagan:

Our country was founded on a revolutionary concept -- a new kind of government both empowered and controlled by its citizens. This idea, the very foundation of our great experiment in democracy, was betrayed with enactment of the new healthcare act. Every poll showed that a majority of Americans rejected this legislation and yet Congress ran right over the majority will of the American people and enacted it into law. ... more

Latest Political News

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2010 MID-TERM ELECTION: voter and media montage

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Headline News

Yesterday's Top 10 Columns
  1. Malkin: Take Your Olive Branch and Shove It, Democrats
  2. Williams: Virginia's Black Confederates
  3. Bozell: Obama Failed To Communicate?
  4. Medved: Even After GOP Gains, Unbending Obama Won't Adjust Like Clinton
  5. Coulter: We're All Bigots Now
  6. Stossel: Did Freedom Win?
  7. Bandes: Slurpee-Loving President Goes for the Gold
  8. Sowell: Guess Who?
  9. Goldberg: Demography Isn't Political Destiny
  10. Benson: Racist Tea Party? GOP Welcomes Diverse Cast of Newcomers
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