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TH Daily - October 13 - Thomas Sowell, Michelle Malkin, Jonah Goldberg, Guy Benson, John Stossel and More

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Government Greed
Thomas Sowell:

The question of whether the government is greedy almost never comes up, so most of us probably never think about it. ... more

Look Who's Nativist Now
Michelle Malkin:

After exporting U.S. jobs, importing foreign debt and kowtowing to global thugs shamelessly over the past two years, the Obama administration is now playing the America First card. ... more

Obama's Outsized Ego
Jonah Goldberg:

The good news is that it's apparently not racist to call Obama arrogant anymore. ... more

AT THE RACES: Rossi Sets Budget-Cutting Sights on DC
Guy Benson:

Dino Rossi must be weary of political rollercoaster rides. In 2004, he won the initial vote tally in Washington State's gubernatorial race by a few hundred votes and maintained his lead after a recount. ... more

Freer Is Better
John Stossel:

The 2010 Index of Economic Freedom lowers the ranking of the United States to eighth out of 179 nations -- behind Canada! ... more

Invisible Victims
Walter E. Williams:

The National Transportation Safety Board has again recommended that airlines require a separate seat for all children, regardless of age, eliminating the current practice of permitting children under the age of 2 to fly for free on the lap of a parent. ... more

A Tangible Step to Economic Recovery
John Thune:

Here's an idea from the GOP that would would take the first necessary steps to get us back on the road to recovery. ... more

Earth to Obama
Larry Kudlow:

To be so completely disconnected from political reality and the investor class, the president must be from another planet. ... more

What's the Liberating Change Obama Wants Now?
Michael Medved:

In his campaign appearances, President Obama says little about a fresh agenda for the next two years, or a new direction for the country, and warns instead against the change in course those nasty Republicans propose. ... more

Turnout, Not Polling, Will Determine 2010 Outcome
Dick Morris and Eileen McGann:

The danger here is not overconfidence but underconfidence, and that Democratic incumbents who could be defeated will skate to victories. ... more

Obama, Now Bashing Foreigners
Brent Bozell:

A major part of the Barack Obama narrative when he ran for president was his international roots. So it's a little weird to watch Obama yelling from the campaign podium that foreigners are funding political commercials and stealing our elections. ... more

Defining Afghan Victory - And Loss
Michael Gerson:

Success in Afghanistan is beginning to come in the first muddy trickles after a long drought. ... more

Liu Xiaobo and the War for the Terms of Modernity
Austin Bay:

Dissident Liu Xiaobo's Nobel Peace Prize has scared China's communist elites. ... more

Advice for Parents of Bullies
Marybeth Hicks:

A pop-psychology message has undermined the development of conscience and character for at least a generation. ... more

Barack Obama and the Chamber of Secrets
David Harsanyi:

The Obama administration's preposterous attack on the U.S. Chamber of Commerce does nothing to help Democrats and everything to reinforce the moderate voter's perception that the president's party has gone bonkers. ... more

How Leftists are Killing 'The Jetsons'
Ben Shapiro:

Look at how the administration is handling a serious problem now plaguing the nation: the rash of automobile accidents caused by drivers using cell phones. ... more

Logical Farce: Obama's Wild Attacks on "Foreign Money" Reek of Desperation
Jacob Sullum:

Here is a quick summary of President Obama's recent debate with the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. ... more

When It Comes to Government, Less is More
Donald Lambro:

Nearly two years into Barack Obama's failed presidency, more than 7 in 10 Americans have a negative view of the government he promised to change for the better. ... more

The White House Bunker So Soon?
Tony Blankley:

Based on the recent appointments of the two most powerful staff positions in the White House, it seems the White House is descending deeper into the bunker in anticipation of the expected shift in congressional majorities next year. ... more

Carl Paladino Spoke the Truth
Terry Jeffrey:

The establishment media have launched a brutal attack on Carl Paladino, New York's Republican gubernatorial candidate, for this reason: Paladino spoke the truth about homosexual behavior. ... more

Rise of Suicide Protests
Caroline Glick:

Leftist groups have begun organizing frequent protests in the City of David around the time the Obama administration began pressuring Israel to curb its sovereignty in Jerusalem. ... more

Is Black Cross Alliance the New KKK?
Harry R. Jackson, Jr.:

Anti-coal campaigns like that of the Black Cross Alliance equate to many people in America and other countries going without lights or refrigeration. ... more

Prosecutor in Washington State Goes on Vendetta Against Gun Club
Rachel Alexander:

A gun club is under attack, and it's not the first time the prosecutor has brought a dubious lawsuit against someone where it was urged by a powerful member of the community. ... more

Why Nancy Pelosi Will Not be Speaker In 2011
Armstrong Williams:

There are three primary reasons for this conclusion, including continued ethical lapses of House Democrats. ... more

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Headline News

Yesterday's Top 10 Columns
  1. Sowell: Feingold Versus Johnson
  2. Hawkins: Seven Reasons Barack Obama Should Apologize to America
  3. Thomas: The Sound of One Hand Clapping
  4. Prager: God, Liberals and Liberty
  5. York: Why Big Labor Couldn't Match Glenn Beck's Rally
  6. Limbaugh: Obama's Chamber Smear Is Business As Usual
  7. Dick Morris: Republican Trend Continues
  8. Alexander: Prosecutor in Washington State Goes on Vendetta Against Gun Club
  9. Williams: Why Nancy Pelosi Will Not be Speaker In 2011
  10. Buchanan: Janet the Deporter
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