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TH Daily - October 04 - Mike Adams,Michael Barone,Ben Cannatti and Ford O'Connell,Brian Walsh,Lurita Doan and More

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Just Swastikas
Mike Adams:

City officials in Indianapolis are investigating a bakery that refused to take an order from an Indiana University student group seeking rainbow-colored cupcakes for their National Coming Out Day. ... more

Pelosi's Vote to Adjourn Could Be Her Last Hurrah
Michael Barone:

It happened late Wednesday night, so it didn't get much coverage: Speaker Nancy Pelosi cast the deciding vote when the House voted, 210-209, to adjourn. ... more

Brenna Findley: Taking A Stand For Iowans
Ben Cannatti and Ford O'Connell:

... more

2010 Race of the Day UPDATE: Alan Grayson's Embarassing Tenure in Congress
Brian Walsh:

For the past year-and-a-half, the good folks of Florida's 8th Congressional District have been politically terrorized by Democrat Alan Grayson. ... more

Obama Prefers Some Minority Businesses and Punishes Others
Lurita Doan:

Obama, the self-designated "post-racial" president, has once again used race as a standard for privilege and has shown preference for certain minority groups, such as Alaskans and Hawaiians, over others. ... more

Plundered by Our Own Employees
Bruce Bialosky:

Steven Greenhut may be the most annoying man in America. No, it's not because he's a mean guy or that he has created some silly reality show like Jersey Shores. ... more

Social Security Example of Government Rigor Mortis
Star Parker:

Keeping government limited is a practical approach to governing that opens the door to growth and prosperity. ... more

An October Surprise? Tell It to the Marines
Ken Blackwell:

Two Marines may give the Democrats an "October surprise" in key House races. ... more

Republicans Should Prepare for "October Surprises"
Carol Platt Liebau:

Last week's New York Times piece about Democrats resorting to negative, personal attacks on their political opponents was an amazingly open admission of desperation. ... more

Easy to boycott "Parker Spitzer"
Paul Jacob:

Sometimes doing the right thing is as easy as not clicking a remote control. ... more

Slaves and the 'O'mancipator
Kevin McCullough:

President Obama had it backwards. ... more

Useful Idiots And Usual Suspects
David Stokes:

Our enemies have been aided and abetted by liberal dupes. ... more

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Headline News

Yesterday's Top 10 Columns
  1. Giles: ObamaCare, Alinsky & Useful Christian Idiots
  2. Hill: How's "Hope" and "Change" Working For You, Mr. President?
  3. Saunders: California Death Penalty Once Again Thwarted by Thug Huggers
  4. Jacob: Easy to boycott "Parker Spitzer"
  5. Connor: Bring in the Clowns
  6. O'Reilly: Progressive Values
  7. Stokes: Useful Idiots And Usual Suspects
  8. Olasky: Thorns and Thistles
  9. McCullough: Slaves and the 'O'mancipator
  10. Kudlow: A Hug Too Far
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