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Today in Slate: September 2, 2010

Slate Magazine
Press Box: How To Cover a Hostage Situation
  • A Fresh Attempt at Mideast Peace Begins
  • Afghanistan Says It Will Bail Out Bank
  • Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin to Break 9/11 Truce With Huge Rally

    Why Is Everyone Always Underestimating Netflix?

    How the Original Preppy Handbook Changed My Life

    Is Kevin Durant Really a Humble, Loyal Anti-LeBron?

    Thursday, Sept. 2, 2010
    Robots That Suck
    Are the next-generation Neato and Mint robo-cleaners better than the Roomba?
    Farhad Manjoo
    Sept.2, 2010, 5:41 PM ET
    A Successful Turn
    The U.S. auto industry is smaller but healthier.
    Daniel Gross
    Sept.2, 2010, 5:40 PM ET
    Crash-Test Corpses
    The many ways to donate your body to science.
    Brian Palmer
    Sept.2, 2010, 5:38 PM ET
    Give Us Your Tired, Your Poor. Really. We Mean It.
    Economists are making the case politicians are afraid to: Immigration is great for the U.S.
    James Ledbetter
    Sept.2, 2010, 5:26 PM ET
    I'm a Mac, and I Was in E.T.
    Justin Long and Drew Barrymore in Going the Distance.
    Dana Stevens
    Sept.2, 2010, 5:17 PM ET
    The Slatest
    The Slatest: Evening Edition
    Ladies' night is not unconstitutional; Jan Brewer is not going to talk about the beheadings that are not happening in the Arizona desert; farmers are not surprised to get calls from the day traders following them on Twitter.
    Sept.2, 2010, 4:59 PM ET
    press box
    Flat-Chested Pride?
    The New York Times' "Thursday Styles" section discovers A-cup vanity.
    Jack Shafer
    Sept.2, 2010, 4:58 PM ET
    Fact-Checking the Franzenfreude
    Is the New York Times' book section really a boys' club?
    DoubleX Staff
    Sept.2, 2010, 4:53 PM ET
    How To Nail Blagojevich
    Prosecutors can ask for a five-year sentence for Illinois' ex-governor--but they shouldn't.
    Harlan J. Protass
    Sept.2, 2010, 1:36 PM ET
    Still Life With Enemy Combatant
    An exclusive look at the artwork of Guantanamo Bay prisoners.
    Tim Fitzsimons
    Sept.2, 2010, 12:45 PM ET
    Did Sarah Palin really say that?
    Jacob Weisberg
    Sept.2, 2010, 11:51 AM ET
    Creep the Faith
    The broadening backlash against American Islam.
    William Saletan
    Sept.2, 2010, 9:20 AM ET
    The Secret Life of the American Teenage Rock Star
    A review of Kristin Hersh's memoir, Rat Girl.
    Marisa Meltzer
    Sept.2, 2010, 6:54 AM ET
    dear prudence
    A Change of Heart About Children
    I want to have a baby now, but my husband won't hear of it. What should I do?
    Sept.2, 2010, 6:50 AM ET
    Play Lean/Lock: Now With Four New Races!
    Test your powers of political forecasting.
    Sept.2, 2010, 6:47 AM ET
    slate labs
    Welcome to Slate Labs
    Experiments with multimedia journalism.
    Sept.2, 2010, 6:45 AM ET

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