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TH Daily - Sept 3 - Jonah Goldberg, Michelle Malkin, Brent Bozell, Diana West, Hugh Hewitt and more

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America's New Oil Haven
Buried 10,000 feet beneath the Midwestern Prairies... sits the biggest U.S oil discovery in 40 years. Investors who get in before the general public catches wind of this windfall are poised to make 13,594% gains. Simply click here for all the details.
Today's Opinion and News: Friday September 3, 2010
  • photo Jonah Goldberg: Obama Could Use Some Clintonesque Salesmanship
    Clinton, a political prodigy of the first order, loved the human side of politics. He listened to the hoi polloi more than he listened to the Harvard faculty. It made him a less consequential but more democratic president.
  • photo Michelle Malkin: Big Labor's Legacy of Violence
    President Obama will join hands with AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka in Milwaukee and pose as champions of the working class. Bad move.
  • photo Brent Bozell: Teens and "Sextortion"
  • photo Michael Gerson: An Army of Straw Men
    WASHINGTON -- A church in Florida is poised to commemorate an act of violence committed in the name of Islam, the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks, with an act of stupidity committed in the name of Christianity, the public burning of the Quran.
  • photo Diana West: West Still Fighting For the Ten
    hen President Obama said it was time to turn the page on Iraq, he should have also declared his intention to close the book on the lingering, festering injustices the U.S. government has perpetrated on 10 American veterans of the Iraq war still incarcerated in the military prison at Fort Leavenworth.
  • photo Hugh Hewitt: The GOP's Need for Speed
    Mike Pence gets it. In an interview with CNBC --picked up by The Hill-- the House GOP's number three gave the explicit assurance that a return to the majority for Republicans would mean an extension of the tax cuts.

    America's New Oil Haven

    Buried 10,000 feet beneath the Midwestern Prairies... sits the biggest U.S oil discovery in 40 years. Investors who get in before the general public catches wind of this windfall are poised to make 13,594% gains. Simply click here for all the details.

  • photo Donald Lambro: Obama Can't Regulate His Way Out Of This Recession
    WASHINGTON -- Optimism about America's future is in very short supply nowadays as we near the end of the third year of an economic recession with little or no relief in sight.
  • photo David Limbaugh: Obama's Burden of Being So Bright
  • photo Mona Charen: These Talks Are Doomed
    Hamas sent a greeting card to the quintet of leaders meeting in Washington, D.C., this week to initiate negotiations about a peace settlement between Israel and the Palestinian Authority.
  • photo Matt Towery: It's Beck's Rally, but Hannity's War
    Mainstream media were taken aback when television and radio talk show host Glenn Beck recently hosted a rally on the National Mall in Washington, D.C.
  • photo Linda Chavez: Bad News for Labor This Labor Day
    The labor movement doesn't have much to celebrate this Labor Day. Congress first established the national holiday in 1894 at unions' behest.
  • photo David Harsanyi: Economic Smoke and Mirrors
    Admitting you're a fan of economics is another way of saying that you live a deeply tragic life.
  • photo Tim Fields: What's Keeping the Economy Down?
  • photo Suzanne Fields: Little Girls and Mad Men
    Two little girls I know, age 6, showed up the other day at a public pool in Washington for a swim.
  • Pat Buchanan: The Cakewalk War
  • photo Oliver North: Looking at the Future
  • photo Steve Chapman: The Pointless Prosecution of Roger Clemens
    If it were a crime to venture onto Capitol Hill to reveal yourself as a self-absorbed liar with an inability to admit mistakes, there would be tumbleweeds blowing through the vacant halls of Congress.
  • photo Richard Bernstein: Less Taxes, More Revenue
    In recent American history three presidents, Republicans Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush—and Democrat icon John Fitzgerald Kennedy—all lowered taxes in response to economic recessions.
  • photo Cliff May: The Worst of Times
    Among the reasons Hezbollah has been designated a terrorist organization is that in 1983 it dispatched suicide bombers to strike American peacekeepers in Beirut.
  • photo Robert Morrison: Is Obama Really a "Historical Materialist"?
    To liberals, nationalized health care that does not exempt coverage for abortions is progress. To liberals, generally, overturning marriage through the courts is progress.
  • photo Meredith Turney: Barbara Boxer's Last Debate
    It was a match for the ages: a three-term United States Senator against the former CEO of a Fortune 50 international corporation.
  • photo Brian Walsh: 2010 Race of the Day: Battle in the Nutmeg State
    Americans have woken up to the disastrous policies of this Congress and Administration and once again are hungry for change—and that spells trouble for Democrat Chris Murphy.
  • photo Carrie Schwab Pomerantz: Roth IRA vs. 401(k) -- Do You Have to Choose?
    Kudos for thinking about starting to save for retirement now. Most people your age don't.
  • photo Cal Thomas: Book Review
    In his Oval Office address Tuesday night announcing the end of combat operations in Iraq, President Obama said "It's time to turn the page" and start focusing on rebuilding the American economy.
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