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TH Daily - September 30 - Ann Coulter,Guy Benson,Victor Davis Hanson,Larry Elder,Cal Thomas and More

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Patty Murray: The Stupidest Person in America
Ann Coulter:

No liberal has standing to call any Republican stupid as long as Patty Murray remains in the U.S. Senate. ... more

GOP Running Up the Score In Big Ten Country
Guy Benson:

Will Republicans win back the House? What are the odds the Senate changes hands? Could Democrats squander their advantage in governorships? These questions are of utmost importance in Big Ten country. ... more

Americans Still Cling to Ignorance
Victor Davis Hanson:

When America votes for a liberal candidate, it is redeemed by the left as intelligent -- and derided as dense when it does not. ... more

The 'Assassination' of 'Immigration Reform'
Larry Elder:

... more

Superman Has Left the School Building
Cal Thomas:

"Waiting for Superman" is the new film by documentary filmmaker Davis Guggenheim, director of "An Inconvenient Truth," and it should be mandatory viewing for every member of Congress. ... more

Falling off the Floor: Gloria Allred and the Democrats
Hugh Hewitt:

Meg Whitman easily bested Jerry Brown in a debate over the future of California on Tuesday night. ... more

Finding Reassurance for America in Baseball
Michael Medved:

Visit any major league baseball game, and it can help place America's present predicament in proper perspective. ... more

Campaign Stunt: a Bunch of Garbage
Debra J. Saunders:

I've known smart people who thought they were following the law in demanding documentation, only to find out later that they were duped. ... more

Why Are We Underusing a Cure for Drug Overdose?
Steve Chapman:

If we came up with a sure cure for lung cancer, we wouldn't withhold it because it might encourage people to smoke. ... more

Provocation and Constitutional Right at Ground Zero
Ross Mackenzie:

What does the hoo-ha about the proposed Cordoba Mosque 600 feet from Ground Zero in Lower Manhattan say to you? ... more

More on the Delaware Race
Emmett Tyrrell:

The race for the United States Senate in Delaware is a splendid example of what is called Kultursmog , and the smog spreads untreated. ... more

"Shake Off -- Buck Up -- Step Up," Says Obama
Jackie Gingrich Cushman:

The latest midterm presidential campaign tactic is for President Barack Obama to meet ordinary Americans in their backyards and dens to discuss the happenings of our country. ... more

"Superman" and Silver Bullets
Howard Rich:

There may be no such thing as a silver bullet in public policy, but universal parental choice is the closest thing we have to one — assuming our politicians summon the courage to run with it. ... more

United Auto Workers Local Costs 650 Jobs in Indiana
Vincent Vernuccio:

In what only can be described as pure stubborn selfishness, a United Auto Workers local in Indiana voted this week to close a General Motors (GM) parts supplier employing 650 workers. ... more

Dems on the Run
Rich Galen:

While everything else has been going on, two senior Democratic Members of Congress, Maxine Waters and Charles Rangel have been, essentially, indicted by the House Ethics Committee for violation of House rules. ... more

Getting Angry About Getting Angry
Bob Goldman:

Let's look at an example to see how perspective could help you. ... more

Youth of America: Stop Drinking Obama's Kool-Aid
Katie Pavlich:

If America's youth want any chance at having a stable economic future, they should put down the Kool-Aid and start drinking some tea. ... more

Latest Political News

Today's Cartoons



Sarah Palin On Who's More Rattled By the Tea Party

Biden Tells Democrats to Stop Whining

Bob Woodward's New Book on Obama's Wars

Rush Limbaugh Explains Tea Party

Conservative Movement

Headline News

Yesterday's Top 10 Columns
  1. Williams: Liberals Confuse Me
  2. Malkin: Big Labor, Not Tea Party, Is Workers' Worst Enemy
  3. Coulter: Patty Murray
  4. Bozell: Obama
  5. Stossel: Taxing the Rich
  6. Dick Morris: The Obliteration of a Generation of Democrats
  7. Bandes: America's Most Insane Congressman
  8. Blankley: Tea Party Has Elites on the Run
  9. Sowell: Politics Versus Gold
  10. Goldberg: Stephen Colbert
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