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TH Daily - Aug 8 - Doug Giles, Dan Gainor, Paul Jacob, Austin Hill, Debra Saunders and more

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Today's Opinion and News: Sunday August 8, 2010
  • photo David Stokes: Not Your Father's Cordoba
    If 2,000 or so people will eventually pray regularly at the proposed Ground Zero mosque, then it is likely that 200-300 of them will embrace Islamist ideas.
  • photo Debra J. Saunders: Why Voters Should Tell Sacramento To Bag It
    There are two kinds of people in California politics: those who want Sacramento to ban plastic grocery bags and those who just want state pols to pass a budget.
  • photo Paul Jacob: Do you trust the people?
    We still debate the very nature of governance and democracy . . . and will so long as some misrepresent others.
  • photo Austin Hill: Barack, Michelle, Champagne Wishes And Caviar Dreams
    Obama would like for us to believe that Republicans, alone, are to blame for our nation's weak economy.
  • photo Doug Giles: The Separation Between Muslims and Taste
    Building a mosque at Ground Zero is like OJ's mom putting a glamour shot of Orenthal over Nicole Brown's gravestone.
  • photo Dan Gainor: Sixteen Thousand Birthday Wishes From Obama to His Favorite Person
  • photo Jim Powell: What Would it Take to Cut Government Spending?
    Runaway federal spending isn't likely to be brought under control as long as the major entitlements - Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid - remain out of control.
  • photo Kathryn Lopez: Seeking Hyde
  • photo Ken Connor: The Purpose of Parenting
    A recent article in New York Magazine entitled "All Joy and No Fun: Why Parents Hate Parenting
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