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TH Daily - September 24 - Bill O'Reilly, Guy Benson, Jonah Goldberg, John C. Goodman, John Ransom and More

Classy: Man Screams "Your Mother is a Who:e" at Bristol Palin , Netanyahu: U.N. House of Many Lies, UPDATE: Christie's Camp Denies 2012 Run,
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Who's Your Daddy?
Bill O'Reilly

Meet the Woman Running to "Fire Debbie"
Guy Benson

Why Death Penalty Opponents Can't Win
Jonah Goldberg

The Politics of Envy
John C. Goodman

Barney Frank's Newest Banking Reform: Illegal Poker and a Ponzi Scheme
John Ransom

The End of the Beginning
Hugh Hewitt

Ahmadinejad Humiliated in New York
Humberto Fontova

The Perils of a Remilitarized Sinai
Caroline Glick

This Is Where I Came In
Paul Greenberg

The Fox/Google Debate
Rich Galen

And That's All She Wrote
Jeff Carter

How Much Weight Will You Really Lose?
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Iran at our Doorstep - Part II, The EMP Threat
Bob Beauprez

The Chicago Way: Union Boss Collects Pension After One Day on Job
Mike Shedlock

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Yesterday's Top 10 Columns
  1. Malkin: Bam's Government Loans to Nowhere Bill
  2. Bozell: Charlie Sheen Roasts and Boasts
  3. Charen: Don't be Too Sure Ohio Leans Democrat
  4. Buchanan: Is the Window Closing on Israel
  5. Limbaugh: Obama's Hope and Change Promise Reconsidered
  6. North: Irrelevant and Dangerous
  7. Coulter: Mumia's the Word
  8. Benson: Meet the Woman Running to "Fire Debbie"
  9. Hewitt: The End of the Beginning
  10. Brown: The Unique Nature of Jew Hatred
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