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TH Daily - July 28 - Ann Coulter, Thomas Sowell, Victor Davis Hanson, Larry Elder, Michael Barone and More

The NHS Rationing Crisis, BREAKING: An Improved CBO Score for Boehner Plan 2.0, 2012 Poll: Rick Perry Already a Frontrunner,
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New York Times Reader Kills Dozens in Norway
Ann Coulter

Obama's 'Balanced' Approach
Thomas Sowell

Is the President in Recovery
Victor Davis Hanson

Democrat 'Budget Plan': Attack the Tea Party and Misquote Reagan
Larry Elder

Under Obama, Millennials Move Into the Republican Fold
Michael Barone

Praying for the Right (or Left) Result
Cal Thomas

A Downgrade Is Serious Business
Larry Kudlow

Legal Guns Would Make Norway Safer
Michael Reagan

Racketeering Charges against SEIU; What Does Obama Know?
John Ransom

No Prizes for Erdogan
Caroline Glick

Tweet: 2B or Not 2B
Rich Galen

Increase Revenues = Better Economy Not Higher Taxes
Marita Noon

Arriving Now -- Your Next Job
Bob Goldman

A President Off-Balance
Bill Tatro

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Yesterday's Top 10 Columns
  1. Coulter: New York Times Reader Kills Dozens in Norway
  2. Bozell: The Hate-GOP Machine
  3. Williams: Job Destruction Makes Us Richer
  4. Medved: The "Gay History Law" Elevates the Irrelevant
  5. Stossel: What We Don't Know about History Can Hurt Us
  6. Blankley: Government by Coup de Theatre or the Constitution?
  7. Malkin: The Creepy Enablers of Wu
  8. Shapiro: When is an Ideology Responsible For Murder
  9. Sowell: Debt-Ceiling Chicken
  10. Pavlich: Obama DOJ Gave Cartel Enough Guns to Arm a Marine Regiment
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