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TH Daily - April 27 - Thomas Sowell, Michelle Malkin, John Stossel, Walter E. Williams, Brent Bozell and More

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Race and Economics
Thomas Sowell:

Walter Williams fans are in for a treat-- and people who are not Walter Williams fans are in for a shock-- when they read his latest book, "Race and Economics." ... more

Maxine Waters: Swamp Queen
Michelle Malkin:

Confirmed: "Drain the swamp" is Washington-speak for "Let it fester." While House ethics watchdogs dither, it's shady business as usual for ethics scandal-plagued Democratic Rep. Maxine Waters. ... more

Government Creates Poverty
John Stossel:

The U.S. government has "helped" no group more than it has "helped" the American Indians. It stuns me when President Obama appears before Indian groups and says things like, "Few have been ignored by Washington for as long as Native Americans." ... more

Smugglers As Heroes
Walter E. Williams:

Smugglers are heroes of sorts. The essence of what a smuggler offers is: "Government tyrants want to either prevent or interfere with peaceable voluntary exchange among individuals. I can reduce the impact of that interference." ... more

Obama Unloved, Here and Abroad
Brent Bozell:

In the Bush years, poll results that showed the American people losing confidence in their president were featured routinely on the front page of major newspapers like The Washington Post. ... more

Planned Parenthood on the Ropes
Orrin Hatch:

As part of the debate over the final Fiscal Year 2011 continuing resolution, members of Congress faced a choice — whether to eliminate federal funding for Planned Parenthood, the nation's largest abortion provider, or to continue sending taxpayer dollars to this group. ... more

The Left Hates Oil Companies
Larry Kudlow:

While president Obama is out there ragging on oil companies to remove so-called tax subsidies, it's odd that he doesn't mention how much in taxes the energy firms actually pay to Uncle Sam. ... more

It Tax a Village
John Ransom:

The millionaire poster boy of the tax-the-rich crowd, who amazed everyone with the revelation that rich people don't pay their fair share by his talking about his own example, has released his tax returns online with an accompanying asterisk because the truth is a lot less dramatic than his claims. ... more

Dave Says No New Debt
Dave Ramsey:

What you're saying is you're thinking about putting your family's financial future in jeopardy because you want to go on a little camping trip in a roomier car. This is a really bad plan. ... more

Gadhafi's Five-Front War
Austin Bay:

For almost seven weeks, Libyan dictator Moammar Gadhafi's loyalists and mercenary soldiers have besieged the city of Misrata. ... more

Why is President Obama "Leading From Behind?"
Janice Shaw Crouse:

It's time for us to get "out front" by unapologetically talking about the good things that our nation does to combat the lies of despotic bullies. ... more

What's Going to Happen?
Rich Galen:

Republicans, including occasionally lapsed Republicans like me, have been whipping President Obama's latest approval-disapproval numbers around to each other leading to knowing nods about how difficult Obama's re-election is likely to be. ... more

Why Isn't Obama Celebrating High Oil Prices?
David Harsanyi:

It's about time the administration began taking on the ogres of the left's imagination seriously. Attorney General Eric Holder has formed the "Oil and Gas Price Fraud Working Group to Focus on Energy Markets" to expose the speculators, the gougers and those fat cat millionaires. ... more

Teachers Unions Working Feverishly to Organize Charter Schools
Kyle Olson:

One of the things I've always liked about charter schools is they aren't bound by onerous labor agreements that hamper innovation. Traditional public schools get boxed in with union contracts that literally stipulate when a teacher arrives in the morning and when he or she must depart. ... more

The True and Ugly Story of Earth Day
Ben Shapiro:

On April 22, President Obama announced the celebration of the 41st Earth Day. Unappeased, the Earth immediately spawned a tornado that ripped away half of the St. Louis airport, an earthquake in Indonesia, and a rainstorm that kept Michelle Obama from making her scheduled Earth Day event. ... more

Chipping Away Again at Bearings of America
Marybeth Hicks:

It's a minor issue, really, but when you think about it, the decay of a nation happens a little at a time. ... more

Only the Republican Study Committee Budget Gets the Job Done
Tony Blankley:

Last weekend, David Ignatius in his Washington Post column made a vital contribution to the debt and deficit debate: "Take the deficit pain now. It's a truth of economics and life that if you have bad news coming, take the hit early and get it behind you. You can't start building until the debris is out of the way." ... more

Obama's Generic Proposal Is No Prescription for Health Savings
Gregory Conko:

President Obama has been taking shots at the pharmaceutical industry since announcing his deficit reduction plan in a speech last Wednesday (April 13). ... more

Natural Gas Cars: Let the Market Decide
Romina Boccia:

With gas prices unbearably high and driving season approaching, Americans are easy prey for those who promise to ease their pains at the pump. This makes it high season for politicians and their cronies seeking taxpayer-financed support of alternative fuels. ... more

The Debt Reeling out of control
Armstrong Williams:

In the midst of a season that has provided riveting political theater – the budget extension impasse and the impending battle over raising the debt ceiling – a bright ideological line has emerged between the two major political parties. It is not about whether we must reduce our debt (both sides ostensibly agree that we must), but about where those cuts should come from. ... more

Today's Cartoons

Latest Political News

Boehner to Obama: "It's Time to Grow Up"

More Americans are Dependent on Government than Ever

Indoctrination Alert: Black Panthers Teach Children About 'Crackers' and Black Power

Bill Maher: Tea Partiers are "Corporate America's Useful Idiots"

Conservative Movement

Headline News

Yesterday's Top 10 Columns
  1. Sowell: The Trump Card
  2. Hawkins: 5 Common Political Beliefs That Simply Aren't True
  3. Goodman: Obama, Ryan and You
  4. York: Get Ready For Game of Chicken Over Debt Ceiling
  5. Norris: US Shariah Infiltrations (Part 2)
  6. Prager: The Welfare State and the Selfish Society
  7. Hatch: Planned Parenthood on the Ropes
  8. Klukowski: Profile in Courage Defending Marriage
  9. Limbaugh: Debt Ceiling? It's Time for GOP To Let Chips Fall
  10. Saunders: What Would Jesus Cut?
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