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TH Daily - April 20 - Michelle Malkin, John Stossel, Walter E. Williams, Brent Bozell, Jonah Goldberg and More

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All the President's Funny Money
Michelle Malkin:

Ka-ching, ka-ching, ka-ching. President Obama's perpetual campaign cash-o-matic machine kicks into high gear again this week as the celebrity-in-chief heads to Hollywood for several high-priced fundraisers. ... more

Watch the Watchmen
John Stossel:

I believe in the right to privacy. Yet I can think of someone who deserves very little privacy -- a policeman making an arrest. Unfortunately, in some states it's a crime to make a video of a policeman doing just that. ... more

Academic Rot
Walter E. Williams:

The average American, as parent, student and taxpayer, has little idea of the academic rot at so many of our colleges. Save for a tiny handful of the nation's colleges, what distinguishes one college from another is the magnitude of that rot. ... more

David Brooks, You're Fired
Brent Bozell:

Conservatives who really wanted to see at least a spending "haircut" for NPR or public broadcasting in the underwhelming budget deal for 2011 might have suggested at least some symbolic victory for conservatives. ... more

Duck, It's the Donald!
Jonah Goldberg:

At this point, there's at least one thing you can't blame Donald Trump for: being Donald Trump. ... more

Is "Risk On" Trade Over?
Larry Kudlow:

In the long run, I think it would be great if the Fed finally stopped pumping all this inflationary money into the system. But shorter term, my advice to you is "caveat emptor"-- investors beware. ... more

Do You Feel Like We Do
Mike Adams:

The culture has changed a lot in the last couple of decades. Some of the changes have been so subtle as to be almost undetectable. But one change has been so dramatic that few people could deny or ignore it –although opinions vary as to the desirability of its effects on the larger culture. ... more

Caring Enough to Broadcast the Very Best
Cal Thomas:

Growing up, "Hallmark Hall of Fame" represented the gold standard of what we would call today "family values" television, except that TV then rarely carried anything threatening to those values. Today, Hallmark's commitment to quality television hasn't change; it even has its own cable channel, which shows films that affirm the values most of us hold dear. ... more

Passover: Holiday of Exuberant Liberation--or Humility?
Michael Medved:

In most religiously observant Jewish homes this time of year, the mood is frantic. At the deadline--this year on Monday morning, before the Passover holiday starts near sundown--leavened food products become forbidden. ... more

O: Let's Break Immigration a Wee Bit More
John Ransom:

Obama's determined to provide America with "21st-century economic and national security" by creating an immigration system that looks less secure than the one we had in 19th-century. ... more

Arizona Prospering After SB 1070
Rachel Alexander:

Arizona's tough anti-illegal immigration law SB 1070 was enacted into law on June 29 of last year. The Obama administration immediately sued Arizona and got an injunction preventing it from going into effect while the case was litigated. ... more

Syria: Father-Son Dictatorship Remains in Vogue
Austin Bay:

It may rank as one of the most ill-timed feature articles ever published. Peel away the gobs of glamor lingo, and Vogue Magazine's recent article lauding Asma al-Assad, the wife of Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad, is little more than haut couture propaganda. ... more

Che Guevara at the Bay of Pigs
Humberto Fontova:

Castro and his groupies hail The Bay of Pigs as his crowning glory: "Imperialism's First Defeat!" Never mind that Castro's forces got one of the most inglorious stompings in modern military history. ... more

Sorry Mr. Trumka, They're Just Not That Into You
Katie Gage:

It seems like every few days we see another example of workers giving unions the cold shoulder. ... more

If Washington Is So Great, Let's All Pay for It
David Harsanyi:

President Barack Obama kicked off his "Shared Responsibility, Shared Prosperity" tour last week with a spirited defense of progressive principles -- hereafter known as America's "basic social compact." ... more

Governing While Drunk on Partisanship
Tony Blankley:

If future historians look back on the ruins of the American economy after a U.S. bond crisis struck in the second decade of the 21st century, many causes will be noted. ... more

Blame It on FDR, LBJ, W and Obama
Terry Jeffrey:

When President Barack Obama declared last week that America "would not be a great country" were it not for Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security and unemployment insurance, he committed one brief moment of partial candor. ... more

Why Does the Left Hate Technology?
Ben Shapiro:

Back in the early 19th century, as the Industrial Revolution began to take hold, a group of British laborers rebelled against the technological advances of the day. ... more

Cops Fire Back at Pro-Cop Killer Teachers Union
Kyle Olson:

The Fraternal Order of Police isn't happy that their union brethren in California recently passed a resolution in support of cop-killer Mumia Abu-Jamal. Now sitting in prison for executing Philadelphia policeman Daniel J. Faulkner, Mumia has become a rallying point for the left. ... more

Ominous Signs For Obama 2012
Donald Lambro:

America's fragile, high-unemployment, debt-ridden economy is looking shakier than ever, threatening Barack Obama's chances of a second term and boosting support for the GOP's drive to sharply cut government spending. ... more

On What Side of the Line Do You Stand?
Shawn Ambrosino:

Have unions outlived their usefulness? The answer to this question normally depends on which side of the line you're on. ... more

Catalysts, and Leaning Into the Liberal Wind
Ross Mackenzie:

The catalyst for a career in writing may have been Miss Krenwinkel -- my 8th-grade teacher at Skokie School in Winnetka, Ill. Along about November, she informed my parents I would not be promoted to the vaunted New Trier High School unless I wrote more "compositions." ... more

Obama and the FDA Stifling Innovation, Shortening Lives
Sally C. Pipes:

President Obama has been on an "innovation" binge these days. Since the start of the year -- when he mentioned "innovation" nine times in the State of the Union -- the President has celebrated "Innovation Week" and released a 76-page " Strategy For American Innovation." ... more

Going Once, Going Twice, Sold!
Armstrong Williams:

There something distinctly fishy about the Treasury Department's lightning fast and allegedly "surprise" discovery of over $30 billion in Libyan Government assets stored in U.S. banks. ... more

Christianity Is Not a Tucked-in-Tight Religion
Marvin Olasky:

Could you remind me how the Trinity works? And could you explain to me again this idea of grace?" One diligent student had no problem grasping Islam. ... more

Uncle Sam Can Help Women by Simplifying and Lowering Taxes
Hadley Heath:

Americans just sent the last bit of 2010 tax paperwork – along with a sizable chunk of our incomes – to Uncle Sam. Most Americans naturally want to put the ordeal behind us. But before the memory fades, it's worth reviewing the toll that our Leviathan tax code takes on our economy, and specifically on American women. ... more

Enabling the Muslim Brotherhood in America
Frank Gaffney:

The Muslim Brotherhood's mask is slipping in Egypt. Small "d" democrats there and elsewhere are alarmed by top Brotherhood officials who now aver openly what has been utterly predictable. ... more

Today's Cartoons

Latest Political News

What's Next for Glenn Beck?

When Did the U.S. Last Run a Surplus?

Ornery Obama Scolds Texas Newsman

Sarah Palin: "Fight like a girl!"

Conservative Movement

Headline News

Yesterday's Top 10 Columns
  1. Sowell: Bull About Bullying
  2. Limbaugh: Ryan 1, Obama 0
  3. Hawkins: 7 Ways Politicians Mislead The American Public
  4. Prager: Why Don't Christians Help ... Christians?
  5. Norris: Holy Week, Holy Shariah? (Part 1)
  6. Olson: AFSCME Union Threatens to "Weaponize" Government Jobs
  7. Olasky: Christianity Is Not a Tucked-in-Tight Religion
  8. Buchanan: Are We Allied to a Corpse?
  9. Thomas: Choosey About Choice
  10. Saunders: The War on Users of Cold, Allergy Drugs
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