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TH Daily - April 06 - Michelle Malkin, John Stossel, John Ransom, Walter E. Williams, Brent Bozell and More

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America's Next Big Crisis
Just when you thought we were getting through the last financial crisis... Comes word from a wealthy U.S. businessman who believes that there's an imminent event that will likely shake the very foundation of our nation. I strongly encourage you to get the facts on this situation, before it's too late. Click here for the full story.
The Democrats' Friends 'n Fat Cats Protection Plan
Michelle Malkin:

As the budget stalemate in Washington continues, Democrats are ratcheting up their class-warfare caterwauling. Time to bring out your earplugs and hypocrisy meters. ... more

Gun Owners Have a Right to Privacy
John Stossel:

If you own a gun in Illinois, take precautions. The state attorney general, Lisa Madigan, wants to release the names of guns owners in response to an Associated Press request. ... more

The Policies of Unintended Comedy
John Ransom:

The GOP budget is a big improvement over the joke-shop novelty budget that Obama submitted earlier this year. That budget was so full of gas that congressional staffers used it as a whoopie cushion- a novelty not to be confused with the Whoopi cushion that currently stars on the View. ... more

Diversity Perversity
Walter E. Williams:

There no evidence anywhere that but for discrimination, people would be divided according to their percentages in the population in any activity. ... more

The Failed Couric Experiment
Brent Bozell:

The news leaked out Monday that Katie Couric is stepping down from her failed experiment as the anchor of the "CBS Evening News." ... more

Obama's Sideline Strategy
Jonah Goldberg:

In truly unshocking news, Barack Obama e-mailed supporters Monday to let them know he was running for president again. ... more

Paul Ryan's Growth Budget
Larry Kudlow:

Obsessing over the debt is not by itself a policy. Advancing the economy and setting the stage for more job creation is a policy. Mr. Ryan kept an important dose of Ronald Reagan in both the spirit and reality of his plan. Limited government, lower tax rates, and deregulation (of energy) will all promote the path to prosperity. ... more

America's Next Big Crisis

Just when you thought we were getting through the last financial crisis... Comes word from a wealthy U.S. businessman who believes that there's an imminent event that will likely shake the very foundation of our nation. I strongly encourage you to get the facts on this situation, before it's too late. Click here for the full story.

Paul Ryan's "Path to Prosperity" Stakes GOP Claim to Fiscal Responsibility
Kevin Glass:

Rep. Paul Ryan's "Path to Prosperity" spends $6.2 trillion less than the Obama budget and re-establishes the GOP as the party of fiscal responsibility. ... more

Spreading Wealth the Right Way
Cal Thomas:

During the 2008 presidential campaign when candidate Barack Obama told "Joe the Plumber" that he wanted to "spread the wealth around," it sounded to a lot of conservatives like socialism: "From each according to his ability, to each according to his need," in the words of Karl Marx. ... more

Why the Morocco Demonstrations are Successfully Bringing About Democratic Changes
Rachel Alexander:

The protests in Morocco are forcing real democratic changes in the government, a stark contrast to other "Arab Spring" uprisings taking place in Arabic countries throughout the Middle East. ... more

Gadhafi Shifts Tactics: Pick-up Trucks and Human Shields
Austin Bay:

Within the last 10 days, Libyan dictator Moammar Gadhafi's loyalist forces have modified their combat tactics. Gadhafi's henchmen are now using trucks instead of tanks for transport. ... more

Should President Be Worrying About Iraq, Not Libya?
Tony Blankley:

While the president's top advisers are currently most worried about the public judgment in November 2012 on his Libyan war actions, they might be better advised to worry about his actions in Iraq. ... more

What's Worse Than 'Ruinous'?
Jacob Sullum:

In 2003, Paul Ryan was one of 207 Republicans in the House to vote for the Medicare prescription drug benefit championed by President George W. Bush -- a reckless expansion of a huge program that was already heading for bankruptcy. This week, Ryan, who now chairs the House Budget Committee, did partial penance. ... more

President Obama's New Anti-American Secretary of State
Ben Shapiro:

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has made it clear that she will not serve another term under President Obama. Who can blame her? To replace her, Obama is reportedly looking to tap another prominent female diplomat. ... more

Obama's War on the Young
Robert Knight:

President Obama needs to reinvent reality, so where does he go? A college campus. ... more

Rich Galen:

Today, I am fully in the camp of the Tea Party when I say: "Shut 'er down." Shut down the government when the Continuing Resolution runs out on Friday. ... more

Treasury: True Government Spending Topped $11 Trillion Last Year
Terry Jeffrey:

If you look at the historical tables attached to President Barack Obama's latest budget proposal, they say the federal government took in $2.165 trillion in revenues in fiscal 2010 and spent $3.720 trillion, leaving a federal deficit of approximately $1.555 trillion. ... more

Dave Says There is No Future in Futures
Dave Ramsey:

With managed futures you're basically betting on the future price of a commodity. What's the price of gold, or oil, or wheat going to be somewhere down the road? You're guessing as to what the future will bring, and managing a group of those guesses. What a joke! ... more

Obama vs. the Bushes: Comparing Costs and Coalitions from Libya to Iraq
Paul Kengor:

The Libya situation is complicated. I envy no president stuck with the task. Among the complexities, the most daunting unknown is what's behind the opposition. ... more

The Crisis of Modern Male Immaturity
Janice Shaw Crouse:

The nation rightly worries about the fiscal crisis and its ramifications for domestic economic stability. Though less obvious, but nonetheless significant, is a sleeper issue: we haven't come to terms with the crisis of modern male immaturity. ... more

Does Anyone, Including Obama, Understand His Foreign Policy?
Armstrong Williams:

What is obvious is that our president is making all of this up as he goes along, and is clearly not listening to Secretary Gates. ... more

Did You Know This About Big Labor?
Katie Gage:

Yesterday, Big Labor bosses decided to use the anniversary of the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. as a means to promote collective bargaining. ... more

Today's Cartoons

Latest Political News

The Path to Prosperity: America's Two Futures, Visualized

Tea Party: Cut it or Shut it

Sanders: The Rich Have "Not Contributed One Nickel to Deficit Reduction"

Are We Headed for a Budget Stalemate?

Conservative Movement

Headline News

Yesterday's Top 10 Columns
  1. Sowell: Political Statistics
  2. Prager: Why God Isn't Doing Well These Days
  3. Limbaugh: Democrats Not Governing, But Lying in Wait
  4. Shaw Crouse: The Crisis of Modern Male Immaturity
  5. Hawkins: 10 Questions for 9/11 Truthers
  6. Norris: 'Fast and Furious' White House Gun Control
  7. Buchanan: Who Are We Fighting For?
  8. Olasky: Will Any of These Jokes Cheer You Up?
  9. Goodman: Bureaucrats vs. Entrepreneurs
  10. Gerson: Cornered By Obama
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