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TH Daily - March 28 - Jeff Jacoby, Michael Barone, Mike Adams, John C. Goodman, Lurita Doan and More

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Gingrich vs. Gingrich
Jeff Jacoby:

Newt Gingrich sees himself as a statesman, a public-policy sage, and a potential president of the United States. But is he serious? ... more

Texas Shines Big in the 2010 Census
Michael Barone:

The Census Bureau last week released county and city populations for the last of the 50 states from the 2010 Census last week, ahead of schedule. ... more

Resentment Studies
Mike Adams:

Here in the Tar Heel state, the Republicans have taken over the House and the liberals are freaking out. ... more

Ponzi Schemes
John C. Goodman:

Jack Lew is lucky he isn't in prison. Were he representing a private pension fund and if he made the sort of statements he made in USA Today the other day, he might well be sharing a cell with Bernie Madoff. ... more

Obama: The Absent-Minded President
Lurita Doan:

Few Americans expected that Barack Obama, the political darling of Hollywood, would emerge as the quintessentially inept, absent-minded professor. ... more

House Republicans Blinked on Spending, So Now What?
Mike Needham:

The big spending fight of 2011 will come in several months when Congress considers raising the debt limit. The debate is likely to unfold very similarly to how the short-term funding fight has played out. Will Congress demand transformational changes in exchange for raising the debt limit? ... more

Selective Thoughts
Bruce Bialosky:

Gadhafi's departure has now gone from a want to a need. There is no turning back and no leaving this madman in power to breed terrorism around the world. ... more

First Amendment Protects Freedom of Speech, Not Equality of Speech
Steve Simpson:

While today's Supreme Court case will not affect as many laws as Citizens United, it promises to be just as controversial. ... more

Why Liberals Hate Clarence Thomas and Sarah Palin
Star Parker:

The human spirit longs to be free. In some individuals, that longing beats so strong in their breast that they will take large personal risks, against great odds, to rebel against tyranny that has transformed their life into a tool for someone else's will and whim. ... more

Democrats Attempt to Enable EPA Power Grab
Christopher Prandoni:

All eyes are on the Senate to see if Republicans can muster up the 60 votes necessary to prevent the EPA's backdoor implementation of cap-and-trade. ... more

Risking Civil Dialogue
Terry Paulson:

When Newsweek recently asked 1,000 U.S. citizens to take America's official citizenship test, 29 percent couldn't name the vice president. ... more

FDA Headbangs With Condoms, Not Cigs
Katie Kieffer:

If young people have casual sex, they're rock stars, as long as they use condoms. If they casually smoke cigarettes, they're borderline criminals. According to the FDA, that is. ... more

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Yesterday's Top 10 Columns
  1. Zito: GOP Foolishly Ignores Recall Battle in Wisconsin
  2. Chapman: Obama and the Ghost of '68
  3. Olson: Gov. Walker's Legislation Has Unions Caving Already
  4. Stokes: Of Sweatshops And Classrooms
  5. Giles: Glee's Not for Me
  6. Hill: Collapse of the Obama Worldview
  7. O'Reilly: The Triumph of Evil
  8. Jacob: Beautiful losers
  9. Saunders: Gadhafi -- the Mad Dog Who Trumped the World
  10. Connor: Slouching Toward Mediocrity
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