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TH Daily - January 10 - Michael Barone, Mike Adams, Lurita Doan, Rachel Alexander, Matt Barber and More

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Profit from Washington's Antics
As Washington's balance of power shifts, the debate surrounding one of the biggest pieces of legislation passed in the past two years, healthcare reform, is about to reheat. Discover how you can cash in on the political shuffle in this exclusive video broadcast.
Deal-Maker Daley: Obama's Emissary to Boehner?
Michael Barone:

When you take a look at Daley's resume, what you see are positions not in job-creating departments but at the intersection between private firms and governments. ... more

Welcome to Personal Responsibility 101
Mike Adams:

Back in 2002, I decided to join the fight against campus speech codes because I considered them to be the principal threat against liberty in the 21st Century. I was also concerned that Abraham Lincoln was right when he said that looking at our schools today is a good way to see what the nation will look like in twenty years. ... more

Issa's Early Effect
Lurita Doan:

Congressman Darrell Issa's chairmanship of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform has already had an effect on Democrats in the Obama Administration, even before Issa has hosted a congressional oversight hearing. ... more

The Left Hypocritically Exploits Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords' Shooting
Rachel Alexander:

Just hours after Saturday's tragic shooting incident in Tucson, Arizona, numerous news sources on the left from CNN to the Huffington Post were casting blame upon Sarah Palin, Tea Parties, and Second Amendment supporters. Typical. ... more

Bachmann: Reagan In Pumps
Matt Barber:

Palin? There's actually another outspoken, attractive, fearlessly conservative Tea Party favorite firing up the center-right grass roots: Rep. Michele Bachmann, Minnesota Republican. ... more

Walking Away Has Consequences
Bruce Bialosky:

We have become a country where people abandon personal obligations – even legal obligations – under the belief that there are no negative consequences to their actions. ... more

The Constitution Did Not Condone Slavery
Ken Blackwell:

Abraham Lincoln revered the Constitution and said that the fact that it nowhere mentioned the words slavery, slave, African, or Negro was a silent but powerful admission that the Founders were ashamed of the existence of slavery ... more

Profit from Washington's Antics

As Washington's balance of power shifts, the debate surrounding one of the biggest pieces of legislation passed in the past two years, healthcare reform, is about to reheat. Discover how you can cash in on the political shuffle in this exclusive video broadcast.

Nancy Pelosi's New Conservative Neighbor
Elisabeth Meinecke:

In the halls of a congressional office building, right across from Nancy Pelosi's representative office, first-time Rep. Todd Rokita is settling into his new workspace. ... more

Left-Wing Blame Game Won't Work With Arizona Tragedy
Carol Platt Liebau:

As the nation reeled from news that a gunman had shot a group of Arizona citizens including Congresswoman Gabrielle Gifford, an all-too-predictable response emanated from some on the left. ... more

The Constitution, Yes, But There's More
Star Parker:

I salute the Republicans of the 112th Congress for their initiative to restore the U.S. Constitution to its legitimate place of prominence in our public discourse. ... more

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