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Culturebox: Streetcars vs. Monorails

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Streetcars vs. Monorails
The future of urban transportation looks a lot like the past.
By Tom Vanderbilt
Posted Wednesday, Jan. 12, 2011, at 4:19 PM ET

Illustration by Mark Alan Stamaty. Click image to expand.There is a great, if unnamed and often overlooked, attraction in Disney World: Transportationland.

As any visitor knows, one of the most striking experiences at Disney World is navigating it. The place offers an impressively multi-modal suite of options. There's walking, horseless carriages, steamboats, the famous monorail (said to carry more passengers than most U.S. light-rail systems), horse-drawn trolleys, the Tomorrowland Transit Authority PeopleMover, not to mention mobility scooters and, at some parks, bikes. Then there's the bus fleet that shuttles visitors from the parking lots to the entrance gates. (If it were a municipal fleet, a Disney engineer once told me, it would be the 21st largest in the United States.)

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