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Culturebox: Sex and Candy

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Sex and Candy
The come-hither looks on the faces of women eating chocolate in stock photographs.
By Libby Copeland
Posted Tuesday, Jan. 4, 2011, at 7:04 PM ET

Click here to launch a slide show of women seductively eating chocolate.

If commercial photographs of women eating salad (as first portrayed hilariously on the Hairpin and already countered with Buzzfeed's men eating fruit salad) tend to convey healthy, righteous fun--why, that woman can't possibly be depriving herself if she's laughing!--ads and stock images of women eating chocolate tend to convey pleasure of the bow-chicka-bow-wow variety. Chocolate equals sex. Current TV's Sarah Haskins has already noted: It's only normal to look like you're getting busy savoring that chocolate you're eating alone.

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Libby Copeland is a former reporter for the Washington Post, now writing in New York. She can be reached at libbycopeland@gmail.com.

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