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TH Daily - December 17 - Michelle Malkin, Brent Bozell, Jonah Goldberg, David Limbaugh, Hugh Hewitt and More

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Upcoming Gov't "Private Wealth Releases" with Potential to Turn Your $500 into $69,445
Federal program poised to transfer billions of dollars to a few upstart businesses starting December 20. Early investors in these tiny companies could be looking at fast gains of a mind-boggling 13,780%. Our just-released report here has the breaking news.
America, the Crab Bucket
Michelle Malkin:

No matter how soothing the White House overtures to business leaders sounded this week, an inconvenient fact remains: Washington is gripped by crab-in-the-bucket syndrome. ... more

Exploiting the Teen Temptress
Brent Bozell:

You may have never heard of the 17-year-old actress Taylor Momsen, but she represents everything that's wrong with pop culture today. ... more

Thrown Under the OmniBus
Jonah Goldberg:

Harry Reid (D-Nev.) is getting some long delayed senatorial payback. ... more

GOP Should Slam on the Brakes
David Limbaugh:

Conservatism and responsible government won a resounding victory in November's elections, and yet just a month later, we're witnessing legislative arrogance on a scale you wouldn't expect if voters had ratified the ruling class' sprint toward national bankruptcy. ... more

The Divided GOP
Hugh Hewitt:

On Thursday's program I interviewed a man I greatly admire but with whom I have a significant disagreement about the tax deal making its way through the Congress: Senator Orrin Hatch. ... more

In Denial
Oliver North:

There's a lot of phony hype about how tough things have gotten for the Obama administration. ... more

Is This Our America Anymore?
Pat Buchanan:

Buried in the Oct. 30 Washington Post was a bland headline: "Report Points to Faster Recovery in Jobs for Immigrants." ... more

Upcoming Gov't "Private Wealth Releases" with Potential to Turn Your $500 into $69,445

Federal program poised to transfer billions of dollars to a few upstart businesses starting December 20. Early investors in these tiny companies could be looking at fast gains of a mind-boggling 13,780%. Our just-released report here has the breaking news.

Tis the Season To Spoil Our Children?
Mona Charen:

The advice columns are beginning to reflect the season. A dismayed mother wrote to the Washington Post, "I love the holidays, but they bring out the greed in my children..." ... more

Don't Play Politics on Afghanistan
Linda Chavez:

There are few areas in which I believe President Obama has earned high marks, but his decision to send more troops to Afghanistan last year is one I supported. ... more

A Democratic Congress That Even Obama Can't Trust
Matt Towery:

Make no mistake. President Obama's support for an extension of the Bush tax cuts is born out of the reality that his re-election is now less than two years away, and by the minute he is losing those independent voters who voted for him in 2008. ... more

A Night With the Animals
Suzanne Fields:

The Germans grumble over the loans to Greece and Ireland as the cost of borrowing has risen for German consumers, along with the healthy economies in the European Union. ... more

Don't Start on START Until Next Year
Ken Blackwell:

Americans can tell when we are being lied to. We're being lied to when Harry Reid tells us that the Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START) with Russia is a bit of unfinished business that the Senate must ratify because it's "urgent." ... more

Obama Couldn't Survive Being Berlusconi
Rachel Marsden:

If President Obama thinks he has it tough, he should try being Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi for a week. ... more

Congress Jams Pork Down Voters' Throats
Donald Lambro:

We will know soon enough whether the GOP delivers on its solemn campaign promise to the American people, who are fed up and want spending brought under control now. ... more

Vanity Fair Game
Cliff May:

Filmmakers get to take dramatic license. Reporters really shouldn't. ... more

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  1. Coulter: Like a Condom, the First Amendment Can't Protect You
  2. Elder: Bush Tax Cuts
  3. Hanson: In Defense of the Liberal Arts
  4. Gingrich Cushman: Obama Finds Out Governing Is Hard
  5. Chapman: An Unhealthy Mandate
  6. Williams: Changing America
  7. Dane: A How To Guide for Becoming a DREAM Act Beneficiary
  8. Barone: Holbrooke Thought Highly of Himself, for Good Reason
  9. Saunders: Larding the Path to Economic Recovery
  10. Mackenzie: Quotables on WikiLeaks, Leadership, Iran, National Responsibility, Etc.
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