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TH Daily - December 14 - Thomas Sowell, Byron York, Chuck Norris, David Limbaugh, Dennis Prager and More

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Christmas Books
Thomas Sowell:

It is hard to come up with Christmas gifts for people who already seem to have everything. Books can be good gifts for such people. ... more

South Carolina Wants a 'More Presidential' Palin
Byron York:

If Sarah Palin wants to win the Republican nomination for president, she'll have to do well in South Carolina. ... more

Obama's Lies About His Broken Promises
Chuck Norris:

Last week, President Barack Obama was backpedaling like a circus unicycle rider, after his compromise on extending Bush-era tax cuts for the country's top 2 percent of income earners. ... more

Memo to Conservatives: Quit Apologizing for Capitalism
David Limbaugh:

Everywhere we turn these days, it seems, leftists are undermining and attacking capitalism on moral grounds. ... more

He Called Sarah Palin an "Idiot"?
Dennis Prager:

On CNN recently, Screenwriter Aaron Sorkin ("The Social Network," "West Wing") called Sarah Palin an "idiot." ... more

Language Problems
Cal Thomas:

The class warfare game played by the Left leads nowhere. ... more

Can Democracy Cope?
Pat Buchanan:

For those who have read about or vaguely remember the stolid British tribe of Dunkirk, the Battle of Britain and the Blitz, which held out in its "finest hour," last week brought a disgusting sight. ... more

Are Democrats Delusional?
Mona Charen:

By any standard, the fury directed at President Obama by his own party this week has been jaw-dropping. ... more

The Simplicity of Socialism
Michael Gerson:

Passing the tax compromise between President Obama and congressional Republicans would be a notable achievement -- but mainly a negative one. ... more

10 Life Changing Books To Give This Christmas
John Hawkins:

No matter how many things you may have, a book that expands your life is still a welcome addition. ... more

Kevin Cooper Is Guilty of Murder
Debra J. Saunders:

Federal judge William A. Fletcher recently told the Gonzaga University School of Law that Kevin Cooper, who was convicted and sentenced to death for the brutal 1983 slaying of Chino Hills, Calif., chiropractors Doug and Peggy Ryen, their 10-year-old daughter Jessica and 11-year-old house guest Christopher Hughes, is "probably" innocent. ... more

Scrap the Whole Darn Ethanol Subsidy
Romina Boccia:

Every gallon of ethanol created wastes energy. ... more

Time to Freeze Global Warming
Phyllis Schlafly:

The global warming prophets and propagandists, who enjoy living in style on other people's money, gathered last month in the plush resort of Cancun, Mexico, where January temperatures usually hover around 80 degrees. ... more

Language and Its Discontents
Paul Greenberg:

Sometimes I make up a word to get my meaning across, confident that readers will get it from context. ... more

The Deceptive Debate over Tax Cut Extensions
Meredith Turney:

Based on news reports this week, you'd think President Obama plans to run as a fiscally conservative Republican in 2012. ... more

Shifting Priorities and Gears in Congress
Kathryn Lopez:

"Missed birthdays, games, and plays end in tears," one congressional wife and mother of young children tells me, delighted by the "certainty of the calendar" for the next Congress. ... more

NLRB Sanctions Card Check, Small Businesses Will Not Back Down
Katie Gage:

We were reminded this week why elections matter. Despite sending a message to both the executive and legislative branches a month ago in the midterm elections, voters are still feeling the consequences of the actions of government. ... more

Another Failed Flimate Change Conference
Rich Galen:

It seems that while President Obama and other western leaders were publicly wagging their collective fingers under China's nose, the U.S. had been trying to make a secret deal with China on climate change. ... more

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Yesterday's Top 10 Columns
  1. Bialosky: Yes, ObamaCare Still Worse Than You Thought
  2. Barone: Obama Riles Dems by Spurning New Deal Complacency
  3. Giles: 10 Man Gifts for Christmas (Plus One)
  4. Parker: Is Envy More Important than Prosperity?
  5. DuHamel: Climate Change and Biodiversity
  6. Doan: Ethanol & Budget Cuts
  7. Bennett: Score One for Judeo-Christian Culture
  8. Galen: Another Failed Flimate Change Conference
  9. O'Reilly: Keep Christ in Unemployment
  10. McCullough: Why Liberals Honor Treason & Hate America?
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