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TH Daily - December 12 - Doug Giles, David Stokes, Steve Chapman, Salena Zito, Ken Blackwell and More

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10 Man Gifts for Christmas (Plus One)
Doug Giles:

Herewith are my suggestions for what to get the man on your list who doesn't mind being a man ... more

Oxbridge Blues
David Stokes:

Prince Charles and his wife Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall, picked the wrong moment to drive down Regent Street in London en route to a Royal Variety performance the other night. ... more

Left and Right, Fooled by Obama
Steve Chapman:

Smart women know that if a guy is sending mixed signals -- promising to call but never getting around to it, making dates and then canceling, professing warm feelings but not introducing you to his friends -- it can mean only one thing: He's just not that into you. ... more

Compromising Positions
Salena Zito:

If your attention is diverted for the briefest of moments as you walk along North Mill Street's red-brick sidewalk, you easily could miss the former law office of Henry Clay. ... more

Hillary's Bad Hair Week
Ken Blackwell:

Hillary Clinton was designated as having "the worst week in Washington" a week ago. ... more

Score One for Judeo-Christian Culture
John Bennett:

Multiculturalism creates a neurotic and dishonest society. This is seen very plainly during the Christmas season. ... more

Big Government Economics Is Dead (Again)
Austin Hill:

Does the government confiscation of private wealth stifle economic growth, or does government manage our money to better ends and produce greater economic results than private individuals? ... more

The Fine Art of Seduction
Ken Connor:

The victors of the 2010 midterm elections haven't even been sworn into office and already they are being initiated into the ways of Washington – a world where money buys influence and careerism trumps constituent service. ... more

Why Liberals Honor Treason & Hate America?
Kevin McCullough:

The lessons we need to learn from the Bradley Manning episode are pretty serious. ... more

Get back to work
Paul Jacob:

Job No. 1 doesn't really change. It always has something to do with "eternal vigilance." ... more

Latest Political News

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Obama Forced to Defend Tax Compromise

Lefty Infighting: MSNBC Liberals Scream at Each Other

Debate: Is the Death Tax Fair?

Bill O'Reilly Discusses the Far Left in America

Conservative Movement

Headline News

Yesterday's Top 10 Columns
  1. O'Reilly: Keep Christ in Unemployment
  2. Glick: Why Latin America Turned
  3. Driessen: Do You Believe In Magic Numbers?
  4. Dick Morris: Obama's Compromise Is Retreat, Not Triangulation
  5. Bozell: The Diseases of Pornography
  6. Elder: The WikiLeaks Vindication of George W. Bush
  7. Tucker: Americans Must Limit Size of Government
  8. Bandes: Far-Right Republicans Don't Hold the Line on Earmarks Ban
  9. Malkin: Homegrown Hate Crimes Against our Troops
  10. Galen: When Your Enemy is Destroying Himself …
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