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TH Daily - December 09 - Ann Coulter, Jillian Bandes, Guy Benson, Larry Elder, Michael Barone and More

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China hands these U.S. companies a "blank check"
A handful of small American oil and gas players have something the People's Republic desperately needs... And they're willing to pay as much as $2 trillion to get it. Only energy insider Dr. Kent Moors knows what it is - and which U.S. companies could hand you up to 25 times your money in 13 months as China pays out the nose for it. Dr. Moors' just-released special presentation has all details here.
Don't Ask, Don't Tell, Don't Call Our Troops Homophobes
Ann Coulter:

Who cares if the Pentagon's sexual harassment task force supports gays in the military? The combat units don't, and they're the ones who do the job. ... more

Bridalplasty Is a New Low for Women's Reality TV
Jillian Bandes:

Netty Aranguren wants her ears surgically pinned back. That way, she'll feel more prepared to embark on the journey of marriage. ... more

Fiscal Hawk May Finally Land on House Appropriations Committee
Guy Benson:

Longtime anti-earmarks crusader Rep. Jeff Flake (R-AZ) has received the support of Speaker-in-waiting John Boehner to be named to the powerful House Appropriations Committee next year. ... more

The WikiLeaks Vindication of George W. Bush
Larry Elder:

The WikiLeaks de facto declassification of privileged material makes it case closed: Saddam Hussein possessed weapons of mass destruction -- and intended to restart his program once the heat was off. ... more

While His Base Rages, Obama Faces Tax-Cut Reality
Michael Barone:

Reality strikes. Barack Obama spurned the advice of columnists Paul Krugman and Katrina vanden Heuvel and agreed with Republicans to extend the current income tax rates -- the so-called Bush tax cuts -- for another two years. ... more

Politics Without Labels? What a Silly Concept
Jonah Goldberg:

The professed idea behind No Labels is that its members don't believe in labels, by which they mean things such as Republican and Democrat, liberal and conservative. ... more

Questions for Democrats
Cal Thomas:

The "grand bargain" agreed to by the White House to preserve the Bush-era tax rates, extend unemployment insurance for another year and reduce the payroll tax for 2011 doesn't get to the heart of the country's main financial problem: overspending. ... more

China hands these U.S. companies a "blank check"

A handful of small American oil and gas players have something the People's Republic desperately needs... And they're willing to pay as much as $2 trillion to get it. Only energy insider Dr. Kent Moors knows what it is - and which U.S. companies could hand you up to 25 times your money in 13 months as China pays out the nose for it. Dr. Moors' just-released special presentation has all details here.

The National Portrait Gallery and the Nature of 'Gay Pride'
Michael Medved:

The raging controversy over an exhibition of "gay art" at the taxpayer-funded National Portrait Gallery raises an uncomfortable but unavoidable question: must all celebrations of homosexual history and identity feature disturbing and pornographic content? ... more

The Republican Senate
Dick Morris and Eileen McGann:

Republicans gnashed their teeth in frustration as the national tide of GOP resurgence washed up against the massive Democratic fortresses in Nevada, Washington state, Colorado and California. ... more

Assange to Guantanamo, Awlaki to Paradise, and Other Forms of Life
Ross Mackenzie:

Bulleted comments on items currently in the news.... ... more

Putting a Gun to the Public's Head
Robert Knight:

The most essential public service people should be the last fired, instead of the first sacrificial lambs in politicians' schemes to goose the public. But that didn't happen in Camden, New Jersey. ... more

Stop, Don't START!
Michael Reagan:

Poland's only hope of continuing to be free and safe is the United States of America, but it appears that Barack Obama is once again throwing our friends under the bus simply to make nice with Russia and Putin by pushing a new START treaty. ... more

Ragin' 'n' Stagin' at the White House
Ken Blackwell:

Liberals (or Progressives, if you prefer) have been raging at President Obama for months. ... more

Robert Gates' Inconspicuous Virtues
Steve Chapman:

Every new year is supposed to be an occasion for new hope, but 2011 hasn't even begun and already there is cause for regret. Defense Secretary Robert Gates is planning to step down next year. ... more

GAO: 'Unclear' If Airport Body Scanners Will Detect Underwear Bombs
Terry Jeffrey:

Repeatedly over the past year the Government Accountability Office has told Congress it is unclear if the whole-body-image scanners the Transportation Security Administration is now deploying at airports across the country will detect the sort of underwear bomb that terrorist Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab used last Christmas. ... more

The Obama Administration's Flawed Foundation
Jackie Gingrich Cushman:

Whose money is it anyway? The government's money or the people's money? ... more

Even With Tax Compromise, Obama Won't Change
Donald Lambro:

President Obama¹s acceptance of a Republican plan to continue President George W. Bush¹s tax cuts for two more years, and a 2 percent payroll tax cut through 2011, is a complete capitulation to GOP demands that he change course. ... more

Sunset Everything
Rich Galen:

Let me be the first to point out that I wrote on December 1 in the MULLINGS titled: "It's NOT a Tax Cut". ... more

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Yesterday's Top 10 Columns
  1. Stossel: Why Do the Poor Stay Poor?
  2. Sowell: Walter Williams' Memoir
  3. Adams: Dude Whines Like a Liberal
  4. Goldberg: Save the North Koreans!
  5. Malkin: Small-Biz Killers
  6. Williams: Moral or Immoral Government
  7. Medved: The National Portrait Gallery and the Nature of 'Gay Pride'
  8. Coulter: Don't Ask, Don't Tell, Don't Call Our Troops Homophobes
  9. Sowell: Rhetoric Rides Again
  10. Dick Morris: The Republican Senate
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