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TH Daily - December 08 - Thomas Sowell, Michelle Malkin, John Stossel, Walter E. Williams, Brent Bozell and More

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President Obama Wants to Confiscate Your Gold
Buried deep in the 956-page healthcare reform bill is a little-known provision that could set the stage for the federal government to take away your gold. By 2012, it might not be safe to own gold bars, rare coins or ETFs. But there is one safe gold investment class that could make you 12 times your money in the next 18 months... Gain access here.
Walter Williams' Memoir
Thomas Sowell:

Walter E. Williams is my oldest and closest friend. But I didn't know that his autobiography had just been published until a talk show host told me last week. ... more

Small-Biz Killers: Who Pays for Jobless Benefits?
Michelle Malkin:

There is no such thing as a "free" government benefit. Ask small-business owners who are footing skyrocketing bills for bottomless jobless benefits. ... more

Why Do the Poor Stay Poor?
John Stossel:

Of the 6 billion people on Earth, 2 billion try to survive on a few dollars a day. Unlike people in the United States, Europe and Asian countries like Japan, South Korea, Hong Kong, etc., they don't lift themselves out of poverty. Why not? What's the difference between them and us? ... more

Moral or Immoral Government
Walter E. Williams:

Immorality in government lies at the heart of our nation's problems. Deficits, debt and runaway government are merely symptoms. ... more

Assange's Media Allies
Brent Bozell:

On Dec. 7, the notorious radical mastermind of WikiLeaks turned himself in on a sexual assault charge in London. But in the liberal media, the condemnations are few. ... more

Save the North Koreans!
Jonah Goldberg:

If North Koreans were pandas, would we have let them suffer so? ... more

Dude Whines Like a Liberal
Mike Adams:

The Associated Press recently ran an article that should firmly establish the UNC system as the most ridiculous system of hire (pun intended) education in the United States of America. ... more

President Obama Wants to Confiscate Your Gold

Buried deep in the 956-page healthcare reform bill is a little-known provision that could set the stage for the federal government to take away your gold. By 2012, it might not be safe to own gold bars, rare coins or ETFs. But there is one safe gold investment class that could make you 12 times your money in the next 18 months... Gain access here.

WikiLeaks' Bottom-Line Revelation
Austin Bay:

Julian Assange, the man behind the WikiLeaks dump of secret US State Department cables, has been frank about his reasons for releasing thousands of classified -and stolen -- documents. ... more

A Leaner Leviathan
Jacob Sullum:

Before it began its work eight months ago, one of the main knocks against the National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform was that it could do no more than recommend changes to Congress. In the end, it could not even do that. ... more

Reversing the Trend to Spend
Ed Feulner:

For far too long, our elected officials have looked the other way, or applied quick, short-term fixes, when faced with our growing debt problem. But the debt reduction commission helped the conversation. ... more

Want to Win? Masquerade as a Conservative
Ben Shapiro:

President Obama has a pattern when it comes to his political rhetoric. If he talks about foreign policy, he tells the truth; if he talks about domestic policy, he lies. ... more

President Obama's Next Two Years
Tony Blankley:

In the last week or two, an eccentric debate has been In 2011, should President Obama strive to be more like Harry Truman in 1947 or Bill Clinton in 1995? ... more

Amnesty "For the Children"? Dream On
Bay Buchanan:

How many times have we heard the Democrats repeat the cliché "Do it for the children" as an excuse to forward the left wing agenda? ... more

It's All About Attitude: How to Take Charge of Your Financial Future
Carrie Schwab Pomerantz:

This week, Carrie interviews Farnoosh Torabi, CBS MoneyWatch columnist and author of "Psych Yourself Rich: Get the Mindset and Discipline You Need to Build Your Financial Life." ... more

And This Is the Thanks Obama Gets?
David Harsanyi:

If we lived in a just world, liberals would still be singing (nondenominational) hosannas in honor of the extraordinary political sacrifice our president has made to further their cause. ... more

Culture Challenge of the Week: Playing the Hate Card
Rebecca Hagelin:

Children know instinctively that "hate" is a bad thing. And they understand that hating a classmate, teacher, or neighbor is nothing like "hating" the broccoli on the dinner plate. ... more

The Forgotten Moderates
Armstrong Williams:

If there is one thing that we can count on from the immediate aftermath of an election, it is the annoying and unceasing bleating from the left about the intelligence of the electorate. ... more

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Headline News

Yesterday's Top 10 Columns
  1. Sowell: Rhetoric Rides Again
  2. Prager: "F--- You" from the Music Industry
  3. Norris: Obama's 7 'Creator' Omissions (Part 2)
  4. Charen: Two Shots at History
  5. Blackwell: Harry Reid, Your Number Is Up!
  6. Limbaugh: Elites Should Blame Selves, Not Obama, for Believing His Messianic Pretensions
  7. Gerson: A Dream Deferred
  8. Gaffney: Obama's contempt of Congress
  9. Thomas: Don't Ask, Don't Tell, Don't Care
  10. Buchanan: Naked Men in National Museums
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