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TH Daily - December 05 - Doug Giles, Debra J. Saunders, David Stokes, Salena Zito, Ken Connor and More

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Girls Just Wanna Have Guns
Doug Giles:

Think about how many girls would be alive and pursuing their desires today … if only they had known how to fight. ... more

'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' on the Way Out
Debra J. Saunders:

On Tuesday, Defense Secretary Robert Gates released a long-awaited Pentagon working-group report on the repeal of the "don't ask, don't tell" policy enacted under President Bill Clinton. Most troops, the review found, would not object to a repeal. ... more

That Other Thing Teddy Said
David Stokes:

Most American conservatives find little in the various political ideas advanced a hundred years ago by Theodore Roosevelt worth salvaging, much less translating into present day policy.  His agenda back then reads like a script worthy of a whole series of Glenn Beck programs.  He was the poster-child for progressivism. ... more

Rendell, blunt to the end
Salena Zito:

Alan Simpson, the former Republican U.S. Senator from Wyoming who co-chairs President Obama's deficit-reduction commission, was asked by a reporter the other day if he was going home to Wyoming. ... more

Balancing Rights: Privacy v. Life
Ken Connor:

There's been much controversy in recent weeks over the issue of full body scans and pat-downs at airport security checkpoints across America. Individuals from all points on the political and ideological spectrum are angry and speaking out against practices that they assert violate civil liberties and undermine human dignity. ... more

Senator Rand Paul (KY), Not the Typical Senator
Ryan Lees:

It is common to have 'non-mainstream types' populate the U.S. House of Representatives after electoral landslides. With two-year terms, House offices are vulnerable to tempestuous voters; voters are more willing to test different views in a shorter term, and a Representative has less potential to do harm in a chamber of 435 peers. What is far less common is when an outlier is elected to the Senate. ... more

Up from Homophobia
Steve Chapman:

I used to be a homophobe. I didn't dislike gays a little; I disliked them a lot. Growing up in Texas, I didn't know anyone who admitted to being gay, and I found the whole idea sick and repulsive. ... more

Bankruptcy? No Worries! California Is "Going Green!"
Austin Hill:

First, let me make this clear: I'm a native Californian, and I grew up thinking that California was pretty much the center of the universe. ... more

Why 'True Consensus' is Against Obama
Kevin McCullough:

How did Republicans at least temporarily halt a runaway train to insure that every American who pays taxes does not see an increase? ... more

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Headline News

Yesterday's Top 10 Columns
  1. O'Reilly: Jimmy Carter Gone Wild
  2. Shaw Crouse: The Tribe of Young Unbelievers Increases
  3. Galen: Bye Bye Biden
  4. Chapman: Up from Homophobia
  5. Lopez: Hil, John and Potty Politics
  6. Dick Morris: Reapportionner's Dilemma
  7. Hewitt: The Congress That Needs To Go Home
  8. Brown: Why the Lame Duck Session of Congress is So Dangerous
  9. Bandes: Simplification of the Tax Code Not Likely
  10. Harsanyi: The Rich Can Afford It, but Can We?
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