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TH Daily - November 07 - Doug Giles, Dick Morris and Eileen McGann, Debra J. Saunders, Austin Hill, Steve Chapman and More

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Why Palin Petrifies Progressives
Doug Giles:

According to the Progressives, women cannot be "real women" if they don't fit the Progressives' script. ... more

Will Obama Triangulate?
Dick Morris and Eileen McGann:

Now that President Obama has experienced the same baptism of fire as Bill Clinton did in the midterm elections, the obvious question is whether he will move to the center in a bid to save his presidency and win re-election. ... more

Gov.-Elect Jerry Brown's New Worst Nightmare
Debra J. Saunders:

Brown better come up with new ways to convince employers that Sacramento wants them to hire, stay in business and make a profit. ... more

Is The President Learning Economics By Trial-And-Error?
Austin Hill:

After less than two years in office, Barack Obama has successfully forced his way into the position of "de facto CEO" over huge chunks of the economy. ... more

Attack of the Food Police
Steve Chapman:

Public health puritans, appalled at the spread of excess weight, think the government should forcefully guide our dining choices. ... more

Change and Hope
Ken Connor:

The results are in, and  in the words of former President George W. Bush, it was a thumping.  What this nation witnessed on November 2nd was not merely a wave election, it was a tsunami.  The obvious  beneficiary of the voter's frustration this time around was the GOP, but as many have emphasized, it would be a huge mistake to interpret the outcome of this election as a mandate for the Republican establishment to carry on with business as usual. ... more

The Silence That Roared
David Stokes:

Last Tuesday, the distant thunder so long on America's political horizon erupted in a local and national roar. A part of the nation's body politic often referred to as a silent majority, broke its silence. Beyond mere red state/blue state dynamics, what we've witnessed is the coming of age of a force that has stirred only on occasion in the past. ... more

Disappointed, Disaffected Dems
Salena Zito:

David Goodman had no idea his 19-year-old son, Harris, had registered as a Democrat more than a year ago, until the young man mentioned it on election night. ... more

If this be extremism, make the least of it
Paul Jacob:

It is time, now, to bury the hysterical over-reactions of mainstream opinion. ... more

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Headline News

Yesterday's Top 10 Columns
  1. O'Reilly: Coasting to the Left
  2. Goldberg: Top Democrats in Denial
  3. Schwarzwalder: A More Colorful GOP
  4. Galen: Obama's Re-Election
  5. Barone: GOP Poised to Reap Redistricting Rewards
  6. Glick: We Are Not for Sale
  7. Bozell: Losing Your Head at the Supreme Court
  8. Malkin: Voters Speak
  9. Giles: Why Palin Petrifies Progressives
  10. Dick Morris: Will Obama Triangulate?
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