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Today in Slate: September 30, 2010

Slate Magazine
Technology: The Other Social Network
  • Treasury Reaches Deal With AIG on TARP Repayment
  • Pakistani Army Blamed in Killings
  • Obama Tells Democrats To "Buck Up." They Respond: Buck You.

    Could Christine O'Donnell Win Delaware? Predict the Results of the November Election.

    The Best-Selling Kindle Book Is a Tawdry Erotic Thriller

    Why Is China Being So Aggressive Lately?

    Thursday, Sept. 30, 2010
    press box
    Biker Chicks
    The New York Times wheels out a bogus-trend story about fashionable women on bicycles.
    Jack Shafer
    Sept.30, 2010, 5:32 PM ET
    The Slatest
    The Slatest: Evening Edition
    Rahm returns to the Windy City (and Rouse will replace him); video accuses Pakistani army of killing civilians; police take over Ecuadorian airport; Google Street View debuts in Antartica.
    Sept.30, 2010, 5:05 PM ET
    Gliese 581G or Bust!
    Scientists have found an Earthlike planet. Can we go there?
    Brian Palmer
    Sept.30, 2010, 4:40 PM ET
    slate fare
    How Do You Manage Your Finances as a Couple?
    Slate wants to hear from you.
    Jessica Grose
    Sept.30, 2010, 3:44 PM ET
    Beyond the Valley of the Rhinestones
    My life with Liberace.
    Simon Doonan
    Sept.30, 2010, 2:24 PM ET
    creative pairs
    The Idiots on the Couch
    Our creative-pairs "guinea pigs" go into psychoanalysis.
    Joshua Wolf Shenk
    Sept.30, 2010, 1:22 PM ET
    slate v
    Oh, it's on, Maria Bartiromo!
    Introducing Slate V's new video series "Up in Your Business"
    Sept.30, 2010, 12:31 PM ET
    Lessons From the Womb
    Inviting raffish scientists to the party.
    Annie Murphy Paul and Amanda Schaffer
    Sept.30, 2010, 10:29 AM ET
    The Mel Gibson Excuse
    Does male menopause actually exist?
    Jessica Dweck
    Sept.30, 2010, 10:23 AM ET
    Can the Republicans Take Back Congress?
    Try to predict how many seats the GOP will have in the House and Senate.
    Sept.30, 2010, 10:22 AM ET
    strictly platonic
    Nothing To Be Friends About
    Before the 20th century, friendship was single-sex.
    Juliet Lapidos
    Sept.30, 2010, 6:53 AM ET
    dear prudence
    Bob & Carol & Ted & Malice
    My parents' swinger friends are trying to blackmail our family after Mom and Dad's tragic deaths.
    Sept.30, 2010, 6:51 AM ET
    slate business predicts
    The Facebook Movie Poll
    Will Mark Zuckerberg be bigger as a philanthropist or at the box office?
    Sept.30, 2010, 6:49 AM ET
    Mad Men Poll
    Did Joan go through with it?
    Sept.30, 2010, 6:47 AM ET
    slate labs
    Welcome to Slate Labs
    Experiments with multimedia journalism.
    Sept.30, 2010, 6:38 AM ET
    Play Lean/Lock: Now With Five More Races!
    Will Christine O'Donnell beat Chris Coons? Will Barbara Boxer hang on?
    Sept.30, 2010, 6:36 AM ET

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