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TH Daily - October 03 - Debra J. Saunders,Ken Connor,Marvin Olasky,Austin Hill,Doug Giles and More

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California Death Penalty Once Again Thwarted by Thug Huggers
Debra J. Saunders:

There hasn't been an execution in California since January 2006. In February of that year, federal Judge Jeremy Fogel essentially ordered a de facto moratorium on California's three-drug lethal-injection protocol because there was "undue risk." ... more

Bring in the Clowns
Ken Connor:

It's hard to imagine how the American public's opinion of Congress could get much worse than it is already, but last week, Representative Zoe Lofgren tested this notion when she invited Comedy Central comedian and faux pundit Stephen Colbert to testify on Capitol Hill. ... more

Thorns and Thistles
Marvin Olasky:

What should be the evangelical frame of mind as we slouch toward this crucial election on Nov. 2? ... more

How's "Hope" and "Change" Working For You, Mr. President?
Austin Hill:

Did you see President Obama's recent speech at the University Of Wisconsin? It made me want to ask him "how's this 'hope' and 'change' thing workin' out for you, Mr. President? And how, exactly do you define 'progress', anyway?" ... more

ObamaCare, Alinsky & Useful Christian Idiots
Doug Giles:

I thought the government wasn't supposed to meddle with churches, especially in regard to pushing a particular policy? ... more

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Alan Grayson: Hates Children, Hates Seniors, Loves Satan

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Yesterday's Top 10 Columns
  1. O'Reilly: Progressive Values
  2. Kudlow: A Hug Too Far
  3. Malkin: The Shoes Liberal Celebrities Won't Wear
  4. Tucker: We're Not All Keynesians Now
  5. Lopez: 'Angling' For Reid's Defeat
  6. Giles: ObamaCare, Alinsky & Useful Christian Idiots
  7. Horowitz: Home Mortgage Foreclosure Prevention
  8. Gainor: Left Hates Science and Children
  9. Driessen: Greens Shackle National Security - and Renewable Energy
  10. Greenberg: Ideology vs. Principle
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