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TH Daily - October 02 - Bill O'Reilly,Larry Kudlow,Paul Driessen,Kathryn Lopez,Carl Horowitz and More

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Progressive Values
Bill O'Reilly:

Obama's strengths now may be becoming some of his greatest weaknesses. ... more

A Hug Too Far
Larry Kudlow:

Am I the only one who saw weakness when President Obama and his departing chief of staff Rahm Emanuel gave each other big, fat, full-bore hug following their speeches at the resignation event in the White House's East Room on Friday? ... more

Greens Shackle National Security - and Renewable Energy
Paul Driessen:

Here we are, long beholden to foreign powers for petroleum – and newly dependent on foreign powers for "green" energy. ... more

'Angling' For Reid's Defeat
Kathryn Lopez:

"She's running the worst campaign in the country, and she could still win." That was James Carville talking about Nevada Republican Sharron Angle. ... more

Home Mortgage Foreclosure Prevention: Another Bailout Boondoggle
Carl Horowitz:

Call it a paradox. The U.S. economy officially has been out of recession for 15 months. The stock market enjoyed a record-high September; durable goods orders are up; and consumer spending is growing. ... more

We're Not All Keynesians Now
Rich Tucker:

The reason Obama administration officials are running away from the stimulus because it's fallen so far short of its promises. ... more

Ideology vs. Principle
Paul Greenberg:

Ideology is a modern term (for ours is an age of ideology), and we even know just where, when and by whom it was first used. ... more

Left Hates Science and Children
Dan Gainor:

Neil Young's song "The Needle and the Damage Done" was written about heroin addiction, but it might as well have applied to the liberal crusade against science. ... more

Voters Sour Over Democrats' Tax Proposals
Karen Kerrigan:

Letting the Bush tax cuts expire is only part of the problem for Democrats tax-wise this November. ... more

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Yesterday's Top 10 Columns
  1. Malkin: The Shoes Liberal Celebrities Won't Wear
  2. Goldberg: Constitution and Politics a Toxic Mix to Many Liberals
  3. Coulter: Patty Murray
  4. Limbaugh: 'Finding $700 Billion Is Not Easy' -- if You're a Socialist
  5. Bozell: Shame on Family Films?
  6. Buchanan: Tea Party vs. War Party?
  7. Benson: GOP Running Up the Score in Big Ten Country - Part II
  8. Harsanyi: These Are Jewish Values?
  9. Charen: It's the Marriage Rate, Stupid
  10. Blackwell: President to Parents
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