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ObamaCare Must Be Repealed!

"ObamaCare must be repealed."

Those were the words of Rush Limbaugh on his September 28th broadcast when he encouraged his listeners to sign our ObamaCare Repeal Pledge.

Watch Rush here:


The Pledge is gaining steam, gathering signatures from candidates, incumbents and citizen activists like you.

Please, sign The Repeal Pledge today to hold all candidates and incumbents accountable to repeal ObamaCare!

We all know the road to repeal won't be easy. In their September 30th lead editorial, the Wall Street Journal wrote, "the hard political slog ahead could use an accountability tool like The Repeal Pledge."

That's why it is critical that we come out of this election with health care recognized as one of the top issues, so that we create a mandate to do everything possible to defund and dismantle ObamaCare in the next two years before actual repeal becomes a possibility.

To do that, we need your help. YOU are what will make the difference, and give politicians the backbone to do the right thing.

We have only a few weeks left until Election Day. We can do this, but we really need your help.

Sign The Repeal Pledge today!

Working together, we can hold the politicians accountable to restore our economic liberty and choice in health care, and we can give them the mandate they'll need to accomplish that.

With Deepest Thanks,


Heather Higgins
President & CEO
Independent Women's Voice

P.S. -- Don't wait. Please sign The Repeal Pledge today. And then pass it on to others you know who care! We need your help to hold their feet to the fire to make sure ObamaCare is deauthorized, defunded and, ultimately, repealed.

A project of the Independent Women's Voice


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