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Halloween: Oppression or Opportunity? -- October 19, 2010

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Tuesday, October 19, 2010 Email Send to a Friend   Mobile Mobile   Free Newsletters Free Newsletters
Spiritual Life

Halloween: Oppression or Opportunity?
Hank Hanegraaff
Should Christians participate in Halloween? Should we simply ignore it? Vigorously attack it? Or should we, as Christians, find ways in which to accommodate it?
Read the full article here

Autumn: A Season for Letting Go, Making Room
Sharon Beth Brani
As my daughters and I celebrate the changing seasons, we learn from Him. Our experience of collecting leaves a few years ago highlighted for us the importance of letting go of the old in order to make room for the new.
Read the full article here


I'm So Angry, I Can't Hear You!
Dr. David B. Hawkins
"I know I'm not being very nice to him," Janice said to me, glaring over at her husband during a counseling session. "I'm always so mad at him there just isn't any room in my brain for being nice. I'm filled up with anger."
Read the full article here

Jesus or Homeschooling: Which is the Answer?
Jonathan Lewis
Are those of us who are passionate advocates of homeschooling in danger of preaching a new gospel, one that removes Jesus from His rightful place? It's a question worth asking ourselves.
Read the full article here


Go Inside The Voyage of the Dawn Treader with Author Devin Brown
Katherine Britton
C.S. Lewis scholar - and huge Narnia fan - Dr. Devin Brown talks with Crosswalk.com about the surprising changes in the Prince Caspian film, C.S. Lewis's lasting appeal, and what the upcoming film absolutely can't omit.
Read the full article here

Please Give Offers Plenty to Think About
Richard Abanes
Anyone who has ever lived in a big city will have their heart touched and their funny bone tickled by this sober comedy, directed by Nicole Holofcener, who has become known not only for her thoughtful films, but also for her television directorial credits.
Read the full article here

Stone Stumbles in Balancing Moral Questions
Christian Hamaker
Stone is about religion and Christianity on one level, but it's not entirely satisfying on those subjects, nor is it particularly revelatory. The best that can be said for Stone is that it raises some intriguing ideas about the nature of faith and our ability (or lack thereof) to do good in the world.
Read the full article here

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