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TH Daily - September 27 - Jillian Bandes,Mike Adams,Michael Barone,Terry Paulson,Star Parker and More

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Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert's Big Tea Party Spoof
Jillian Bandes:

Comedian Jon Stewart's "Restoring Sanity" rally pokes fun at overzealous political activism, but it's hard not to see how it doesn't attack the Right more than it attacks the Left. ... more

Searching for Bonhoeffer
Mike Adams:

During the 1990s, "seeker-friendly" churches began popping up everywhere. The fact that many are now struggling has less to do with the economy than the culture. ... more

GOP Battle Cry: Repeal Obamacare, Cut Spending
Michael Barone:

The Pledge to America addresses two central economic issues and makes commitments that will embarrass House Republicans if they gain a majority but fail to deliver. ... more

Election Choices Matter
Terry Paulson:

The choice voters made in 1994 made a difference. Will yours in 2010? ... more

Who Are the Realists and Who Are the Ideologues?
Star Parker:

Banter continues about the Republican Party being pushed to the right by "ideologues." ... more

A Shrugged Summer
Bruce Bialosky:

If you doubt the prescience of Ayn Rand, turn to page 744 of Atlas Shrugged to read about a doctor who no longer practices his profession. ... more

Obama's Summer of Surrender
Lurita Doan:

Barack Obama has a credibility problem. Obama has overpromised and under-delivered on countless issues such as the economy, job creation, healthcare reform and transparency. ... more

2010 Race of the Day UPDATE: Loretta Sanchez' Vulnerability
Brian Walsh:

Having to run a real campaign for the first time in a long while, Democrat Loretta Sanchez also faces a Hispanic independent candidate on the ballot. ... more

Sociopath Professors, Part III: Too Little Too Late "Punishment" for Ayers
Mary Grabar:

Finally, a Kennedy has come out to denounce, albeit in a very small way, one of the privileged professors who have worked, both inside and outside the classroom, on behalf of murderous revolution. ... more

Anti-Violence Bill Promotes Abortion and Gender Quotas
Janice Shaw Crouse:

The issue of violence against women has a sketchy past, where facts are obscured by emotional accounts of battering and other violence ... more

Latest Political News

Today's Cartoons



US Walks Out on Ahmadinejad Speech

Ann Coulter on Palin and the Pledge for America

Small Business Leader Reaches Out to Lawmakers

Republicans Unveil Governing Agenda

Conservative Movement

Headline News

Yesterday's Top 10 Columns
  1. Giles: When Blacks Attack Barack
  2. Hill: The Very Dangerous Folly of Obamanomics
  3. Malkin: How Privileged Democrats Pay for Their Houses
  4. Chapman: Our Non-War Over Islam
  5. Saunders: Race Pits Dream Prosecutor Against S.F.'s Nightmare DA
  6. McCullough: Dems
  7. O'Reilly: Velma Hart
  8. Connor: If You Can't Beat 'Em, Co-Opt 'Em!
  9. Dick Morris: A New York Earthquake?
  10. Jacob: The 10 measures to watch
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