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TH Daily - September 16 - Ann Coulter,Thomas Sowell,Victor Davis Hanson,Larry Elder,Cal Thomas and More

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Like, Is Sarah Palin Totally Conceited?
Ann Coulter:

In the October issue of Vanity Fair now on newsstands, Michael Gross reverts to junior high school to issue gossip-girl digs at Sarah Palin. Next up in Vanity Fair: "Sarah Palin Super Stuck Up; Thinks She's All That." ... more

The Money of Fools: Part III
Thomas Sowell:

Among the many words that don't mean what they say, but which too many of us accept as if they did, are those staples of political discussion, "liberals" and "conservatives." ... more

Rethinking George Bush?
Victor Davis Hanson:

Former President George W. Bush left office with the lowest approval ratings since Richard Nixon. In reaction, for nearly two years President Barack Obama won easy applause by prefacing almost every speech on his economic policies with a "Bush did it" put-down. ... more

Obama Asks Thug Nations To Judge America
Larry Elder:

Does America engage in massive and widespread violations of human rights? The Obama administration thinks so. ... more

Obama vs. Castro
Cal Thomas:

In arguing against extending the Bush-era tax cuts for "the wealthy," President Obama claims the government can't afford to "borrow" the estimated $700 billion he says it will "cost government." What about the cost of tax increases for those earning the money? ... more

When Policies Flop, Political Enthusiasm Wanes
Michael Barone:

Two sets of numbers tell you a lot about an important difference between election year 2008 and election year 2010. ... more

Authentically Newt-ered
Debra J. Saunders:

Consider Gingrich to be the right's Jerry Brown. Like the former and would-be next California governor, Gingrich talks big, but has no loyalty to his ideas. ... more

Democrats Torpedo Repeal of Harmful Obamacare Provision
Guy Benson:

Senate Democrats on Tuesday defeated an amendment offered by Sen. Mike Johanns (R-Neb.) that would have rescinded a provision of the recently-passed health care legislation that will cripple American businesses and stifle job growth. ... more

Tax Hikes Are a Losing Bet
Tom Price:

Economist Mark Zandi, who has served as an adviser to both President Obama and Senator John McCain, recently said that raising taxes on anyone in 2011 is "a gamble" that would increase the odds of the economy sliding back into a double-dip recession. No wonder Zandi opposes the tax hike Washington Democrats are about to administer. It is a high stakes wager we cannot afford to lose. ... more

Delaware GOP Rumblings
Ken Blackwell:

During post-election analysis, Republican luminaries stumbled badly in discussing Christine O'Donnell on the night of the Delaware senatorial primary. ... more

A Great Awakening
Michael Reagan:

After some years of slumbering comfortably, the American people have awakened and they are hopping mad over what they have discovered was going on while they slept. ... more

Political Castles Clashing
Janice Shaw Crouse:

Few political analysts thought Christine O'Donnell, political neophyte and perennial outsider candidate, would defeat heavyweight, nine-time U.S. Rep. Mike Castle in the Delaware Republican Senate primary. ... more

Boehner Blew It
Emmett Tyrrell:

... more

The Tea Party and the Value of Craziness
Steve Chapman:

Here's my first impression of the tea party movement: It's a rabidly right-wing phenomenon with a shaky grasp of history, a strain of intolerance and xenophobia, a paranoia about Barack Obama, and an unhealthy reverence for Fox News. ... more

Christine O'Donnell Must Be Punished!
Rebecca Hagelin:

Karl Rove's message is clear in the wake of his losing battle to protect his establishment power: Anyone who dares to challenge the Good 'Ole Boys Club will be punished - even if it means handing a senate seat to a liberal democrat. ... more

Race of the Day: New Hampshire's Sweet Homecoming
Brian Walsh:

New Hampshire is one of the country's smaller states, but it carries a tremendous amount of weight in the arena of U.S. politics. Earning its title every year as one of the key indicators of the mood of the country, all eyes focus on New Hampshire during primary season. And with the current Democrat, Paul Hodes, looking for a new job in the U.S. Senate, this open seat is a solid opportunity for a GOP pickup. ... more

A Dose of "Capitalism and Freedom"
Dr. Paul Kengor:

It has been almost 50 years since Milton Friedman, Nobel economist, released his classic, Capitalism and Freedom. The book has slowly slipped from my course syllabus, not to mention that of the political elite. And why not? What Friedman said is now obvious. ... more

Parental outrage can protect our kids from 'progressive' sex-ed
Marybeth Hicks:

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"Change" Is Still the Battle Cry
Rich Galen:

I didn't think Lisa Murkowski would lose to Joe Miller in the Republican primary for U.S. Senate in Alaska last week; and I certainly didn't think Mike Castle would lose to Christine O'Donnell in the GOP primary for U.S. Senate. ... more

Does Your Salary Make You Happy?
Bob Goldman:

Feeling down? It may not be your miserable boss, your pathetic lifestyle, or even your clinically depressed pet canary. The real downer in your low-down life may be your salary. ... more

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Headline News

Yesterday's Top 10 Columns
  1. Coulter: Like, Is Sarah Palin Totally Conceited?
  2. Pomerantz: Considering Taking Social Security Early? Think About What This Might Mean for Your Spouse
  3. Stossel: Money Is Not What Schools Need
  4. Williams: Liberal Crackup
  5. Sowell: The Money of Fools
  6. Sowell: The Money of Fools
  7. Malkin: The Obamacare Inquisitions
  8. Williams: The Endless Wars of Islam
  9. Shapiro: Build the Ground Zero Mosque on Michael Moore
  10. Giles: Imam Rauf to the USA
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